Maker Pro
Maker Pro

High power Square wave Signal

HI all,
I am interested in producing a 24V 50W Square wave signal in the range on 20Hz-500Hz with a duty cycle in the range of 10-90%.

I have seen many signal generators that produce a square wave in the range that I want but with a very low power.
My knowledge in electronics is very limited, I don’t want to start soldering components, I am looking for off the shelf product that can produce the wave that I want or a product that can amplify a signal generator.

Any help will be appreciated
Hi Harald,
Thanks for the quick replay,
I want to be able to flash LEDs that operate on 24V (for growing microalgae)
I want to be sure that I understand everything,
The output from the signal generator I connect to the input of the audio amplifier and then instead of connecting a speaker to the amplifier I connect the LEDs, right?

How can I make sure that the output of the amplifier will be 24V ? Is the voltage controlled by the volume knob?



Hop - AC8NS
Folks do not usually visit an electronics hobby forum, such as Electronics Point, simply to seek information on where to obtain COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) equipment. The search engine Google does a pretty good job at that. For example, using the search string "amplifier for square wave signal generator" elicited a lot of inexpensive Asian "solutions" to your problem, and some of these might actually work for your application (whatever that might happen to be). Although the broadband audio amplifier that Harald suggested should meet your rather loose "specification," it appears to me to be a bit expensive.

So, here is a link to a sub-woofer amplifier that may also work. It probably operates in class D mode, meaning the output is rapidly switched on and off by a digital control signal and the resulting "chopped" waveform is then filtered to remove the audible artifacts introduced by chopping the input signal. In your case the input signal is a "square wave," presumably from a function generator of some sort, in the frequency range of 20 Hz to 500 Hz with a variable duty cycle between 10% and 90%. The desired output is a 24 V waveform (positive? negative? symmetrical about zero voltage?) capable of producing 50 W (at any duty cycle?) into some sort of load (what resistance or impedance load?). Other than that, there are no specifics about the waveform needed at the load. Are the rise and fall times of the "square wave" edges an important factor in your application? Is the waveform AC-coupled with zero DC component, or does the variable duty-cycle affect the DC component of the waveform and therefore DC-coupled amplifiers are required?

Notice that the sub-woofer amplifier module cited above does not require any soldering. It does require a separate DC power supply with sufficient voltage and current capability. It may or may not be suitable for your application. Someone skilled in the art of electronics or electricity should work with you to determine what your real requirements are, which will depend on what you are trying to DO. You have not yet told us what you are trying to do, choosing instead to tell us how you want to do it, i.e., add an amplifier to an existing waveform generator.

For better answers, provide us with better information.

Edit: I just now read your response to Harald. This is the information we need. I will wait and let someone else jump in with a suggestion of how to purchase a suitable controller for your LED illumination application. We will probably need more information in order to suggest a specific solution.
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Golanido......It would be more practical to have the Signal Generator Drive a Mosfet that also has a 24 volt DC supply.
This would Not be an Off the Shelf Product, But Much Cheaper than one like that.
You Don't say Where you Live, But it would be possible for me to Make you this.