Maker Pro
Maker Pro



I am Serra Cabo, I am Portuguese and I live in Portugal, near Sintra.

I started a few years ago making videos about mechanics. More recently I have done several videos about electronics which has been my all life carrier. I will go on doing both types of videos and, in some projects, both things on the same video, specially concerning repair of Audio Tape Recorders, and other analogue devices including valve based ones.

The problem is that although I can make the videos in English, I found out that there is not much being done in my language and I decided to do videos in Portuguese.

Having said that, I don't know if in this forum there is any Portuguese spoken community and if it makes sense to publish them here. Portuguese and Spanish (Castellano) is not the same but I can read and understant Castellano, Brazil speaks de same Portuguese language with different accent, and Galician is quite close to Portuguese.

Could you tell me what you think?
Serra Cabo