Maker Pro
Maker Pro


Hello everyone, I'm coming from a laptop forum were no one knew the answers to some of my "deeper" questions ;)
I'm pretty into homebuilding things or modifying them in ways that integrate them better with a system and make them more modular.
One of the biggest things that led me to believe I should sign up here (or somewhere) to learn more about electronics on a base level was when I started getting into LVDS signals, the native interface of LCDs.
stands for low voltage differential signaling - not that i havent heard an acronym before - but whoa, i thought. I cant just fool around with this stuff to get it to work can I. :p

I look forward to learning a great deal here as my er prototypes and designs start to lift off the ground. Thank you all in advance for the multitude of knowledge you are offering.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd

We have a mix of people here, with both formal and hobby backgrounds. Let's see what we can do for you :)
thanks for the welcome

interesting how its sorted into this binary, the 'professionals' and 'hobbyists'.
its something ive thought a lot about... i dont have a highschool diploma, but im actually trying to make a living off of... this.

well anyway its places like this that make me think its possible :) what a perfect mix ;) i hope i can learn and be happy with where my developing identity lands me in this massive industry.