Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Help with updating Model/Serial# on Sony KDL-46XBR4


I had an issue with my XBR4 with no backlight and intermittent picture/sound outage. Narrowed the issue down to no 3.3v backlight trigger from AU board. Ended up replacing AU board and FB1 board to get the trigger. Now, I get the backlight and the menu but still no picture or sound. I know I have to update the serial/model of the unit but I'm unable to figure out how to change this. I've already tried service menu but don't see a place when I can change this. Could somebody help with this?

I did notice after replacing AU & FB1 boards, the serial/model is different so I know I have to change it but not sure if no picture/sound is because of that or I still have issue with AU board.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. TIA
Have you tried inputting a signal through alternative ports (HDMI, VGA etc)?

Yes. Just tried component/RCA audio cable and I get audio but no video. Solid green screen with audio working.
Is there specific instructions for changing model/serial and is that necessary to get video working. Or should this be working right out the gate when you change FB1/AU boards?

Appreciate your thoughts.