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Help with simple relay circuit

Hi, I am looking for a simple wiring diagram that I wish to build on Veroboard for a push button relay control. The relays will be simply switching switches on an 3rd party board, no current or voltage etc.

I have tried my best to explain the functionality in the attached PDF.

I really aprechiate your help!

Thanks Daren


  • Push Button Relay Circuit.pdf
    26.2 KB · Views: 157

Harald Kapp

Welcome Daren.

Your circuit diagram has the wires a bit mixed up and no visible connections (dots). Anyway, here's what you're looking for:

The contact at the top left will kepp the relays closed once they are triggered by the pushbuttton.
You will need different relays (1*2 normally open contacts, 1*normally open+normally closed contact).


  • relais.png
    465 bytes · Views: 213
Thank You

To confirm the switch is NOT a toggle and only push button.

Meaning it needs to like latch and swap on each button press.

It's a micro switch running the switch part.

Hope this circuit works as it looks simple.

Thank you!

Harald Kapp

Yes, a pushbutton.
The latching action is realised by the feedback via the normally open contact of the left relay.
Meaning it needs to like latch and swap on each button press.

How do you mean swap?

The above circuit will latch on, but you will need to disconnect the power to switch it off, or am I missing something?

You will need a reset switch on the tieback circuit to open the contacts, turn the relays off.
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How do you mean swap?

The above circuit will latch on, but you will need to disconnect the power to switch it off, or am I missing something?

You will need a reset switch on the tieback circuit to open the contacts, turn the relays off.

he means each time the button is pressed it latches in the other "direction"


Harald Kapp

My circuit will latch on and stay there, regardless of any more presses of the button.
That's what was requested in the op's pdf:
1. On power up the Push Switch will be open. Relay 1 contacts need to be open and Relay 2
(Contact 1) needs to be open and Relay 2 (Contact 2) needs to be closed
2. On push of Push Switch (not toggle, one push) Relay 1 needs to close (and stay closed) and
Relay 2 swaps (Contact 1 – becomes closed, and stays closed whilst Contact 2 – opens and
stays open)
Yes, you will need to interrupt the power to reset the circuit. A second pushbutton (normally closed, open on push) in series with the power supply can be used.


Sadly passed away in 2015
If you want a circuit that toggles between two states when you push a button, have a look at

It uses a latching relay. It will power up in whatever state it was in before it was powered down, which doesn't fit with your specification. This could be fixed with the addition of two capacitors, two resistors and two diodes. Let me know if you want to pursue this.

The output is wired to provide a bipolar (reversing) voltage to a motor with limit switches, but you can use either contact to drive other relays.
If we were to use a push button switch with a built in latch would that be over simplifying the solution?

We could use Harald's 2 relays without the tie-pack circuit to the coils?
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Sadly passed away in 2015
I think the word "toggle" may be causing confusion. A "toggle" switch has a long shaft that you use to flip it between two or more positions. In the sense I used it in post #8, "toggle" means to alternate between two states. So you push the button and the circuit flips to state 1, push the button again and it flips to state 2, push the button again and it flips to state 1, button again flips to state 2, and so on, alternating from one state to the other each time the button is pressed.

The design I linked to implements this toggle action. It is driven from an SPST pushbutton, and each press flips (toggles) it to the opposite state. It remembers the state using a latching relay. This relay can then drive other relays to provide more outputs.

mursal, the pushbutton you linked to is called a "push on, push off" switch. It physically latches into one of two positions - ON or OFF - and each press and release toggles it to the other position. This pushbutton cannot be unlatched when power is applied to the circuit, which is required by Daren's specification.

I don't understand your other question. What is a "tie-pack"?
Thanks for that Kris, the tieback circuit I referred to, was the connection from pin DIN87 on the relay, to the relay coil supply pin DIN 86. To latch the relay on.

Yes, a tidy solution by Harald
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