Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Help with simple LED switch project design

Hi all,

My son has expressed an interest in electronics (he's 6) as a friend gave him a bag of various 20 switches that have led bulbs in them.

This sort of switch:

I have purchased a ABS project box and a bread board and wires, what we want to do is add as many switches to the project box as possible and power them with a 9v battery. We're going to label the switches 'Launc', 'Missiles' 'Smoke Screen' etc.

My question is where should I place the resistors? What size would I need? I want to avoid blowing the LEDs but we would like more than one lit at the same time.

Many thanks
Lighted switches usually have the resistor built in. If you don't mind sacrificing one of switches, try with no resistor and a multimeter hooked in series to measure current. If it reads around 20mA, it does not need a resistor. If it goes flash and quits, it needs about a 390 Ohm resistor.

Edit: On second thought, maybe you should ignore that advice and just try a 390 Ohm resistor.

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