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Maker Pro

Help with PIR


I'm In need of some help please. I bought a 230v pir from the Internet as I had seen a thread on how to change it to operate at 24vdc. Once mine arrived and I took it apart it was slightly different than the one in the blog which I had seen which made it difficult to follow. Spent the last 3 hours trying to figure it out but have become stuck.

I wish to supply the unit with 24vdc and get a switched 24vdc back when the PIR operates. I know I have to put in a couple of links in place of the components Iv removed but not sure where.?

Do I need to leave the signal diodes in and also what about the resister near the switched live?

Any help would be greatly appreciated




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I'm In need of some help please. I bought a 230v pir from the Internet as I had seen a thread on how to change it to operate at 24vdc. Once mine arrived and I took it apart it was slightly different than the one in the blog which I had seen which made it difficult to follow. Spent the last 3 hours trying to figure it out but have become stuck.

I wish to supply the unit with 24vdc and get a switched 24vdc back when the PIR operates. I know I have to put in a couple of links in place of the components Iv removed but not sure where.?

Do I need to leave the signal diodes in and also what about the resister near the switched live?

Any help would be greatly appreciated


Where did you find this part... and what have you removed thus far?

The first thing that jumps out to me is the header marked 'OUT, N, L'.
Is this device meant to be powered by mains (120-240V AC) or simply meant to control a light?

You may need to modify the circuit to operate on 24VDC if it was meant to be powered by mains... It would have been in your best interest to use a PIR sensor for/from a home security system as they typically use low voltage 12/24VDC


Hop - AC8NS
I bought a 230v pir from the Internet as I had seen a thread on how to change it to operate at 24vdc.
Post a link to the original blog.

I have several PIRs salvaged from outdoor flood lamps that I was intending to use with a low-voltage DC supply, but pretty much abandoned the idea when cheap home security and hobbyist types became available. I recently purchased one of these from Radio Shack for use at 5 V DC with Arduino.

It will be impossible to tell you how to complete this mod without knowing more about the original circuit. Show us photos of both sides of both circuit boards. Identify the components you removed. It looks like the relay on the board is wired to connect L to OUT when the relay is actuated by 24 V DC. If you are going to apply 24 V DC between L and N, you need to find out whether 24 V DC is the voltage the other board originally derived from this board. Perhaps one of those "signal" diodes is a zener diode? How was the 230 V AC mains voltage rectified and then reduced to a low-voltage DC? Was a four-terminal optical isolator installed next to the two "signal" diodes in the location marked by the DIP-IC outline? Or was that device a four-terminal bridge rectifier or possibly a voltage regulator? What part numbers (if any) were on the components you removed? Why don't you send an e-mail to the blog author and ask for their guidance? They surely know more about it than we do with the sparse information you have provided so far. Good pictures, though.

Is this ES-P17 from China what you are trying to mod?

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Thanks for the responses.

Yes it was meant to be 230v and i need it to operate at 24vdc. I want to supply it with 24vdc which means I need to remove the components which are used to reduce the 230v. I have opted for this model for aesthetics and price as the 24v sensors tend to be really expensive. It will be used as part of a home automation system and I need a 24vdc trigger.

I have attached two more photos of what the original pir looked like. It was a bridge rectifier I think. Hope these pics help


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