Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Help with motor comparison


I'm not to savy when it come to electronics.
I purchased a Dept. 56 piece. It has a 12 volt 60Hz 3 Watt motor to operate the skaters.
I found a similar motor 12v 60Hz 4 watt motor. Would this motor replace the original?
Also in the piece is 4 LEDs and a 6 volt bulb all connected together.
Any help would be appreciated.
You would also want to know the torque and RPMs of the motors to find a replacement, voltage and wattage is not enough. If the new motor spins twice as fast, you might have some hyper skaters!

Both motors say nothing about the torque. RPM's are the same 10/12.
I'm wondering about the wattage 3 on the original and 4 on the replacement, because of the LED's. I don't want to burn them up. The way this piece is built, if I burn the LED's out. I'll throw the piece away. No replacing the LED's.

If the RPMs are the same and the wattage close, I think the motor will likely work.

I do not understand your concern about the LEDs. They should not be affected by the motor. Also, why no replacing the LEDs?

I got a hold of an old buddy of mine. He said it shouldn't matter between the motors. Ones a little stronger than the other.
The LED's are sealed - To get to them, I would have to destroy the lamp post.
Thanks for your knowledge,