Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Help with ID on this part. Might be varistor.

I have what I think is a varistor. About a 5mm diameter disk, burnt
around the upper edge. It is marked with the manufacturer(?) - CVN
Mexico - on one side and the other side marked


This may not be a varistor, maybe a capacitor or ?. It is in series
with a 15 ohm resistor feeding a relay coil marked 24VAC. The relay
coil burnt out as well as the resistor and this component. Any idea
what it is? Below is a layout of the circuit.

+VAC --------varistor(?)----15 ohm res.-----switch------24vac relay


I suspect that it's a thermistor, put in the circuit to introduce a time
delay for relay drop-out. Upon switch closure, the relay pulls in
(thermistor now has low resistance), current flow causes the thermistor to
gradually rise in resistance until the relay is starved for current and
drops out. Much like the ops of your average degausing coil in a tv. Hope
this helps. Stuart.

John Hudak

If it were a MOV, it would be across the coil, not in series with it.