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Maker Pro

Help with calculating total resistance

a)Work out the total resistance of the following circuit?
b) What is the total current of the circuit?
c) What effect has the capacitor and inductor had on the current and the voltage of the circuit?
d) What is phase? (use diagrams to explain).

Thank you in advance. i completely don't know the answers for this question. :/

YRN- is the number that we got from the teacher, everyone has got different ones, in my case it is 6.


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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
You need to determine reactance, not resistance.

Look it up in your notes or in your text. It is a function of frequency and results in a complex number as the answer.

Then you have several different ones of these in series and parallel.
It looks like your formulas are OK but you need to do the calculations with complex algebra since that method allows for combining resistance and reactance into a single impedance. Note first that reactance is represented by an imaginary number (Zl=jωL, Zc=1/jωC) where j=sqrt(-1).

If you are not up on complex algebra, I know that resistance and reactance can be added together on a polar graph with vector addition but I don't know how to do parallel combinations on a polar graph. Guess you better learn to do complex algebra.