Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Help with calculating Hz in a siren curcuit

Hi, this isn't really homework, but this seemed to be the best place to post it :)

Could anyone help with how to calculate Hz in a siren system? Here is a picture of the system:

The Hz of the first astable 555 circuit is supposed to be 1 Hz and the other system is supposed to be 1kHz.

I used this formula: (the one on the top called "to calculate frequency")

I tried to put 3.3u as the c value and 0.01u (converted to Farad of course). I also tried to put both in series and in parallel, but i couldnt get 1Hz!

What am i doing wrong here?

All help much appreciated, and thanks for your time!
Yea figured as much, but i just tried it anyway because i couldnt get it to work ;)

The schematic as is should get those reults of 1hz and 1khz, and i just don't see how they got that
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Ive asked on a few other forums as well, and it seems that most agree that it should be 2 and 0.5k, so i guess im rolling with that, and just assuming the book is wrong. Thanks a lot for your help, ive really been pulling my hair out over this ;)