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Maker Pro

Help TV repair JVC model AV-21WA11

Please help me the video of my tv seems to blank on contrast i cant view the face clearly will someone help me . the model number of this tv is AV-21WA11


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Explain the problem a little more. Does the contrast control cause the screen to go blank? And what do you mean by blank.

Technically speaking, reducing the contrast to zero should cause an image to disappear, although that's not typically where you want the contrast set :)
Explain the problem a little more. Does the contrast control cause the screen to go blank? And what do you mean by blank.

Technically speaking, reducing the contrast to zero should cause an image to disappear, although that's not typically where you want the contrast set :)

Sir i have this problem to JVC tv where in the the brightness is not proportionate or cannot controlled the image of the face is like solarized and cannot be seen clearly i have adjusted the contrast to its maximum level and it cannot seen clearly, its like solarized can you help me was it on service mode would i replace some components like reprogramming its eeprom ic thnks for the help ....