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Maker Pro

Help.. trying to buy first panel.. Faq? Reviews? Unisolar? BP?


Joe S Moore

I'm trying to get into a little solar setup here and trying to find as much
details as possible.What I have planned now is to do a direct pv solar water
pump application.

I'm confused as to what kinds of different panels do and their effenciencies
are... Reading manufacturer's specs are often confusing and could possibly
be misleading... they are always better than each other...

Coming from the computer world where benchmarks and reviews are often pitted
against each other by outside independent reviewers, I was wondering if
there is a good website with reviews as such?

For example two 50watt panels may put out the same amount of power at peak
but often there isn't any data on the total output (i.e. which works best at
dawn/dusk for maximum power output). I would love to see graphs of outputs
throughout the day for various different materials. I am looking at Unisolar
and BP right now and they both have similar power yet one is amophous and
the other is multicrystalline. Which is better and which can reach their
rated amps faster than the other?

So if anyone can help with websites with these kinds of details I would
appreciate it! I've tried to google it but I often end up in some
manufacturers or distributor's website which may/may not help...

H. E. Taylor

I would love to see graphs of outputs
throughout the day for various different materials. I am looking at Unisolar
and BP right now and they both have similar power yet one is amophous and
the other is multicrystalline. Which is better and which can reach their
rated amps faster than the other?

So if anyone can help with websites with these kinds of details I would
appreciate it! I've tried to google it but I often end up in some
manufacturers or distributor's website which may/may not help...

There is not a lot of material aimed at choosing one product
over another, but there is a PV FAQ at:


"It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday
is the hope of today and reality of tomorrow." - Robert Goddard

Energy Alternatives:
H.E. Taylor

Anthony Matonak

Joe S Moore wrote:
Coming from the computer world where benchmarks and reviews are often pitted
against each other by outside independent reviewers, I was wondering if
there is a good website with reviews as such?

I'm not aware of any but I know Homepower magazine has done various
tests comparing multiple types of panels. You could try searching
their archives.
For example two 50watt panels may put out the same amount of power at peak
but often there isn't any data on the total output (i.e. which works best at
dawn/dusk for maximum power output). I would love to see graphs of outputs
throughout the day for various different materials. I am looking at Unisolar
and BP right now and they both have similar power yet one is amophous and
the other is multicrystalline. Which is better and which can reach their
rated amps faster than the other?

They all basically use one of two types of technology (crystalline or
amorphous) so they are all going to behave nearly identically with
other panels using the same design.

Since they are solid state electronics they don't have any warm up time.
They produce power the instant they get hit by light. If you were to
modulate a light beam and shine it on your PV panel the output of
the panel would also be modulated. This is the basic concept used
for those spy listening devices that bounce a laser beam off a window
to detect the modulated reflection.

You could try looking at the PTC rating for the panels in question
as compared to the STC ratings. You won't see STC conditions in the
real world and most people automatically derate those numbers from
80 to 90%.

Some misc websites found doing a 5 min google search....


Joe S Moore

Interesting. Wish there were more reviews online. Thanks for the links!

Chuck Yerkes

Joe said:
Coming from the computer world where benchmarks and reviews are often pitted
against each other by outside independent reviewers, I was wondering if
there is a good website with reviews as such?

So you're well aware of benchmarks being manipulated and even compilers
designed to detect that it's compiling certain benchmarks and optimize
heavily for that.

And you know that lots and lots of "independant studies" about software
and OSs have been funded, directly or through 'channels' by the vendors
(well, often one very large vendor).

For example two 50watt panels may put out the same amount of power at peak
but often there isn't any data on the total output (i.e. which works best at
dawn/dusk for maximum power output). I would love to see graphs of outputs
throughout the day for various different materials. I am looking at Unisolar
and BP right now and they both have similar power yet one is amophous and
the other is multicrystalline. Which is better and which can reach their
rated amps faster than the other?

So if anyone can help with websites with these kinds of details I would
appreciate it! I've tried to google it but I often end up in some
manufacturers or distributor's website which may/may not help...

The issue you'll ahve will be that
1) the industry is still pretty small - eg. 10% of americans don't HAVE
2) the "reviewers" - often working with best intents - still need to get
samples from vendors who, because there are no clear "heavy hitters" can
play or not play.

Consumer Reports isn't on the scene.

Heck, see if you can give a distributor a call and get a couple panels
on loan for a month and do a study yourself! Voltmeters and ammeters
are available (with serial ports so you needn't even stand there).

Bethany Zujic

Hey Ed,

Once you have decided on a solar panel brand, I'd head over to (if your in australia)
as they have the best prices on anyone over here.
(I just found them in the back of my RACQ road ahead.