Maker Pro
Maker Pro

[HELP] Trying to build very specific portable battery!


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Another important consideration is the actual power requirements vs what the label says. For example, although it may say 120W, it may only require that on startup (or occasionally), the rest of the time requiring (say) 60W.

What is the device? We may be able to take an educated guess as to whether the power consumption will be fixed or vary significantly.


What is the device? We may be able to take an educated guess as to whether the power consumption will be fixed or vary significantly.

apparently this ......

Okay so for the batteries the item i want to power usually plugs into wall outlet, but i want to run it from batteries. It draws 111 watts total of power total, between the heating element and fan.