Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Help sourcing parts for Samsung Home Audio System

Hi, I am attempting to repair my home audio system which had a capacitor and possibly two inductors fail. The capacitor is a 100V 474 J capacitor which I had no issues finding on ebay. The inductors, however, have only 1 marking which reads 1310A as can be seen in the attached picture. My questions are:

1. do these inductors need to be replaced? I have the covers that fell off (one can be seen in the pic), but they were loose on the inductor whereas the others are not.

2. If they do need to be replaced, where can I purchase them. I tried searching google for the last hour to find them without success.

I appreciate any help you can give me, thanks!



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
The covers form part of the magnetic circuit and need to be on the inductor.

The failure is probably just of the adhesive.

The uncovered inductor in the background appears to have either some glue on the top or some of the ferrite material. If it is the glue, perhaps just put a spot of superglue on top of it and press the cover back into place. If the ferrite has fractured then you need to align it correctly or replace the inductor.

Be careful with those covers, they're essentially made of stone (and bend the same way that rocks don't)!
Sounds good, thanks for your help. If someone knows where I can get those inductors, please let me know. Otherwise I'll just use some epoxy and hope for the best.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
The problem is that from the markings it is very hard to identify the part. Before you epoxy the tops back on, have a close look and see if thre is anything else written on them.

Also there may be something written near the devices on the board, but you'd have to be extremely lucky to have them place an actual part number there.

131 and 151 are somewhat indicative of these being 130µH and 150µH (13 * 10¹ and 15 * 10¹) but it's non trivial to determine their current rating.