Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Help slowing turntable


I'm working on a project that requires a very slow moving turntable. I picked up a pair of Gemini XL-300s, however, the speed adjustment slider on the side won't let me bring down the rpms as low as desired.

Any help would be extremely helpful! I would like to alter the range of the sliding pot to start at 0rpm.

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Need to see the back side as well of those boards...

If the motor is being driven by an analog voltage change, you might be able to simply install a series diode or two on the motor leads (to lower voltage) and shift to a slower speed range... Yeah it's a hack way to do it but, in some cases it's the dead simple way to do it... If that pot is directly driving the motor you can likely just shift the divider values to a new speed range, but I suspect it might not be directly driving the motor but instead being read by something else that is driving the motor...
Here's what the back of that board looks like:

And here's what the inside of the turntable looks like:

The board with the pots in the previous pictures is on the far right.