Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Help please identifying another part - This one from an NEC TV.


John Popelish

Randel Chiffiald wrote:
...Thanks to Chuck <address redacted> I have the
simple information I needed, (thanks again Chuck!) so I no longer need to
monitor this thread.

Did Chuck ask you to publish his email address so that
spambots could flood his inbox, as his reward for helping you?

Rich Grise

P.S. I trust that anyone else with similar problems as SuperM,

There is no one with similar problems as "SuperM".

Just ignore him/it.

If the resistor has relatively long leads, and is bigger than
the other resistors (i.e., a power resistor), then when you
solder it back in, you might want to provide some mechanical
support, like a glob of silicone RTV.

Good Luck!

Franc Zabkar

Randel Chiffiald wrote:


Did Chuck ask you to publish his email address so that
spambots could flood his inbox, as his reward for helping you?

Point taken, but Chuck's address was in his headers, so the spambots
would have found him anyway.

- Franc Zabkar


Before you call someone an idiot, it is probably best
to remember the words:

"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than it
is to speak and remove all doubt."

Hammers are very old, and as such they have names that have
gone through many variations as the tides of fashion changed.

One of the early English names for any hammer with one curved face
and one flat face is a "pane hammer"... pronounced "peen hammer".

The hammer with a ball end, and a flat end has been known
variously as a "ball pane hammer", a "ball pein hammer", and
a "ball peen hammer".

All are currently correct, and all are in any reasonable English
language dictionary.

I am right, he is wrong, and so is his entire country.

Look at the etymology, dipshit.

You are the one that has removed all doubt about your utter


Randel Chiffiald wrote:


Did Chuck ask you to publish his email address so that
spambots could flood his inbox, as his reward for helping you?

Supposedly, the idjiot "isn't monitoring the thread" any longer.
How convenient... just breeze in, insult everyone, and leave after
emblazoning someone's email all over Usenet.


There is no one with similar problems as "SuperM".

Just ignore him/it.

If the resistor has relatively long leads, and is bigger than
the other resistors (i.e., a power resistor), then when you
solder it back in, you might want to provide some mechanical
support, like a glob of silicone RTV.

It's NOT a resistor, idiot. Try to actually read the thread you
invade next time, asswipe.


Should you have actually known me during the last 40 years I
have been working in electronics, you would know that what you said is
completely opposite to reality.

If you have been working in electronics for the last 40 years, and
you cannot ID that part, you have been in the wrong business, chucko.

We can ID it from description alone without any lookups whatsoever.

Hell, even the donkey can tell what it is.


I actually almost wish you would meet me in
person after writing you thoughtless negative generalizations about me.

You asked a stupid lay person question, and then insulted the expert
that told you to get a manual.

You got nuthin' comin' sonny.

The plate of shit you handed us went right back in your face.


Time, living my
life to its fullest when I wasn't holed up working on this or that project,
and some poor personal choices have left me crippled, in a 24/7 hell of
agonizing pain, and dependant on pure oxygen to survive.

All the more reason to call the technician. I am quite sure there
are some in your area that *would* do the work for you gratis.


SuperM said:
All three can actually reach that value, but *we* know for sure that
it is an EL.

The problem at this point is his attitude, and the fact that he
couldn't ID it from a glance tells us he shouldn't be doing the repair

If you'd read his original post, you'd know he hasn't opened the set
up yet because it's in its owner's home, so he hasn't had a chance
to have that glance, you self-rightous pig. He wrote:

"I need to replace a 2.2 mfd 160 V cap, but I don't know which type
of capacitor,(electrolytic, tant, mica, poly... etc.) it is, and I haven't
opened the set yet..." <snip>

I think his attitude was entirely appropriate, considering the ration
of shit he was handed by this worthless group of oinkers for the high
crime of asking for a little help. After following this thread for the last
couple of days, this entire group can FOAD as far as I'm concerned.
Like the OP, I won't be back anytime soon. If you can't figure out
why, you'll have to buy the manual. No one here will be willing or able
to help you.

Michael A. Terrell

Phread said:
If you'd read his original post, you'd know he hasn't opened the set
up yet because it's in its owner's home, so he hasn't had a chance
to have that glance, you self-rightous pig. He wrote:

"I need to replace a 2.2 mfd 160 V cap, but I don't know which type
of capacitor,(electrolytic, tant, mica, poly... etc.) it is, and I haven't
opened the set yet..." <snip>

I think his attitude was entirely appropriate, considering the ration
of shit he was handed by this worthless group of oinkers for the high
crime of asking for a little help. After following this thread for the last
couple of days, this entire group can FOAD as far as I'm concerned.
Like the OP, I won't be back anytime soon. If you can't figure out
why, you'll have to buy the manual. No one here will be willing or able
to help you.

You are wasting your time arguing with the most plonked idiot on the
sci.electronics.* newsgroups. He just morphed again to avoid all the
kill filters. he doesn't care about the original post, the OP, or
anything other than stirring up a bunch of shit with anybody who will

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

John Fields

If you'd read his original post, you'd know he hasn't opened the set
up yet because it's in its owner's home, so he hasn't had a chance
to have that glance, you self-rightous pig. He wrote:

"I need to replace a 2.2 mfd 160 V cap, but I don't know which type
of capacitor,(electrolytic, tant, mica, poly... etc.) it is, and I haven't
opened the set yet..." <snip>

I think his attitude was entirely appropriate, considering the ration
of shit he was handed by this worthless group of oinkers for the high
crime of asking for a little help. After following this thread for the last
couple of days, this entire group can FOAD as far as I'm concerned.
Like the OP, I won't be back anytime soon. If you can't figure out
why, you'll have to buy the manual. No one here will be willing or able
to help you.

In this group (seb) we're very sensitive to the problems newsbies
have with asking for help, generally treat them with kid gloves, and
subscribe to the notion that there is no such thing as a stupid

He wasn't originally handed a ration of shit, he was merely given
instruction as to where he could find a manual so that he could
positively identify the component in question, after which he
became bellicose and judgmental and, consequently, received his
well-deserved ration of shit.

However, now that you, another asshole, has taken your pot shot and
run away, you may never get to ask yourself how he knew it was
_that_ particular capacitor which needed to be replaced, and that it
was a 2.2µF (not 2.2mfd) 160V cap _without_ opening the case.


If you'd read his original post, you'd know he hasn't opened the set
up yet because it's in its owner's home, so he hasn't had a chance
to have that glance, you self-rightous pig. He wrote:

"I need to replace a 2.2 mfd 160 V cap, but I don't know which type
of capacitor,(electrolytic, tant, mica, poly... etc.) it is, and I haven't
opened the set yet..." <snip>

I think his attitude was entirely appropriate, considering the ration
of shit he was handed by this worthless group of oinkers for the high
crime of asking for a little help.

Bullshit. He has since claimed to have worked in electronics for
forty years. Anyone working in the field for that long that cannot
recognize an EL cap NEEDS to get the schematic, which was what was
suggested when HE went off on John, you stupid twit!
After following this thread for the last
couple of days,

Obviously not very well.
this entire group can FOAD as far as I'm concerned.

As if any of us give a shit with what concerns you.
Like the OP, I won't be back anytime soon.

Good, dipshit.
If you can't figure out
why, you'll have to buy the manual. No one here will be willing or able
to help you.

That isn't what was said, dumbass.


He just morphed again to avoid all the
kill filters.

No, idiot. I CHANGED my nym because some lame alt.usenet.kooks
asswipes have been making false posts as if to come from me.

If goddamned liars like you got what they deserved, you'd be less a
huge chunk of your bank account for the crap you have spewed lately.