Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Help please identifying another part - This one from an NEC TV.


Randel Chiffiald

I need to replace a 2.2 mfd 160 V cap, but I don't know which type
of capacitor,(electrolytic, tant, mica, poly... etc.) it is, and I haven't
opened the set yet because although it has a problem, it is still watchable
and I'd like to find out the type of cap so I can buy it before hand and
swap it at the same time I first open it up for service as not to
inconvenience the customer, (who happens to be my ex, and you KNOW how
touchy that situation can be right? She's my ex for a very good reason
<vbg>) And obviously, seeing as who it is, you know it's going to be a
"government job" Know what I mean?

SO, if anyone maybe has the parts list, schematic, anything that
will tell what kind of cap it is, I'd REALLY appreciate it if you would let
me know

PART NEEDED : C414. 2.2 MFD @160 VOLTS.

Thanks a lot everyone.


If your whore wants to look at shit on TV, then you should accommodate her
the easy way. Instead of jacking off TV gadgets, just gouge her eyes out
with a spoon, and jam them up her ass with a ball pein hammer!


I need to replace a 2.2 mfd 160 V cap, but I don't know which type
of capacitor,(electrolytic, tant, mica, poly... etc.) it is, and I haven't
opened the set yet because although it has a problem, it is still watchable
and I'd like to find out the type of cap so I can buy it before hand and
swap it at the same time I first open it up for service as not to
inconvenience the customer, (who happens to be my ex, and you KNOW how
touchy that situation can be right? She's my ex for a very good reason
<vbg>) And obviously, seeing as who it is, you know it's going to be a
"government job" Know what I mean?

SO, if anyone maybe has the parts list, schematic, anything that
will tell what kind of cap it is, I'd REALLY appreciate it if you would let
me know

PART NEEDED : C414. 2.2 MFD @160 VOLTS.

Thanks a lot everyone.
It's a polarized 105 C electrolytic capacitor.

Michael Black

Randel said:
I need to replace a 2.2 mfd 160 V cap, but I don't know which type
of capacitor,(electrolytic, tant, mica, poly... etc.) it is, and I haven't
opened the set yet because although it has a problem, it is still watchable
and I'd like to find out the type of cap so I can buy it before hand and
swap it at the same time I first open it up for service as not to
inconvenience the customer, (who happens to be my ex, and you KNOW how
touchy that situation can be right? She's my ex for a very good reason
<vbg>) And obviously, seeing as who it is, you know it's going to be a
"government job" Know what I mean?
HOw in the world can you know that it's a specific capacitor without
having opened the tv set?

Either you're guessing at what it might be, or you've done the old
"I took it to a repairman, but they wanted $200 to repair it, so I'm
going to do it myself. But I need to know, what's a capacitor?".

Anyone who really had an idea would be able to make a very good guess
on what type of capacitor.


John Fields

I need to replace a 2.2 mfd 160 V cap, but I don't know which type
of capacitor,(electrolytic, tant, mica, poly... etc.) it is, and I haven't
opened the set yet because although it has a problem, it is still watchable
and I'd like to find out the type of cap so I can buy it before hand and
swap it at the same time I first open it up for service as not to
inconvenience the customer, (who happens to be my ex, and you KNOW how
touchy that situation can be right? She's my ex for a very good reason
<vbg>) And obviously, seeing as who it is, you know it's going to be a
"government job" Know what I mean?

SO, if anyone maybe has the parts list, schematic, anything that
will tell what kind of cap it is, I'd REALLY appreciate it if you would let
me know

PART NEEDED : C414. 2.2 MFD @160 VOLTS.

Thanks a lot everyone.

Randel Chiffiald

HOw in the world can you know that it's a specific capacitor without
having opened the tv set?

Simple, it's a common, well documented malady with this particular
model. The set displays the exact same condition described by the numerous
sources of common technical problems with certain TV models. In the
description of the capacitor however, the various sources of this
information fail to provide specific information about exactly what type the
capacitor is. An educated guess would be that it is canned electrolytic, but
there is also the possibility that they have used a tantalum cap in this
circuit. It would make a difference.
Either you're guessing at what it might be, or you've done the old
"I took it to a repairman, but they wanted $200 to repair it, so I'm
going to do it myself. But I need to know, what's a capacitor?".

You couldn't be further from the truth. I am a disabled, (and
obviously semi-retired because of it) former R&D engineering tech and I also
had a repair business myself. Because of the limitations posed by my
disability, I had to quit and only work on personal and "friends" equipment.
Most of my test equipment and documentation was either stolen, given away,
or lost since then.
Anyone who really had an idea would be able to make a very good guess
on what type of capacitor.


You're absolutely right Michael, but as I explained above, a guess
isn't always right, and I was hoping someone would have the information that
would cinch it so I could do the repair in one visit. I have a difficult
time getting around, and wouldn't be doing this repair at all if it weren't
for the fact that my daughter lives with her mother and asked me if I would
do this repair for her. I figure I'd at least try to do this while I still
can. BTW, the RCA transistor I requested info on in another post is for my
own set.

Randel Chiffiald

What are you, some kind of troll? Of course I could buy a manual,
but I asked for help from someone who might have one already, and would be
courteous enough to share the information I needed with me. Most of the
questions in these groups could be answered with "search for a manual for
sale." That info is assumed, but not what was requested.

Homer J Simpson

I need to replace a 2.2 mfd 160 V cap, but I don't know which type
of capacitor,(electrolytic, tant, mica, poly... etc.)

Very likely electrolytic. Could be poly. Sure isn't tantalum or mica.

Michael A. Terrell

Randel said:
What are you, some kind of troll? Of course I could buy a manual,
but I asked for help from someone who might have one already, and would be
courteous enough to share the information I needed with me. Most of the
questions in these groups could be answered with "search for a manual for
sale." That info is assumed, but not what was requested.

No, john is a regular on and
most of the newsgroups.
alt.binaries.schematics.electronic was created to exchange schematics
and design ideas, not trade in copyrighted materials. John gave you the
standard advice, for when someone requests something that isn't in the
public domain.


Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida


What are you, some kind of troll? Of course I could buy a manual,
but I asked for help from someone who might have one already,

Lemmie guess... you are too stupid to look at the designations you
gave and tell what part it is?

If that is the case, and it obviously is, then you are also too
stupid to be working on it and particularly so without a manual, which
any real technician would have, and want, and acquire before delving
into such a repair.

What makes you think that replacing that part is going to solve the
root cause of what made it fail?

If you are so dumb that you think you don't need a manual, what
makes you think you have properly diagnosed the failure mode?

Also, that part is identifiable from up to 26,400 miles away by any
competent person, so if you are having issues doing so, you should
most likely be the last idiot working on the chassis of a TV.


Very likely electrolytic. Could be poly. Sure isn't tantalum or mica.
All three can actually reach that value, but *we* know for sure that
it is an EL.

The problem at this point is his attitude, and the fact that he
couldn't ID it from a glance tells us he shouldn't be doing the repair

He'll likely screw it up, or not repair the root cause for that
part's failure, and end up having to get it professionally repaired,
and after telling that guy what he already did, it will likely cost
him twice as much to do it, as the tech will see the opportunity for
the "idiot with a screwdriver" penalty imposition.


Randel Chiffiald

All three can actually reach that value, but *we* know for sure that
it is an EL.

The problem at this point is his attitude, and the fact that he
couldn't ID it from a glance tells us he shouldn't be doing the repair

He'll likely screw it up, or not repair the root cause for that
part's failure, and end up having to get it professionally repaired,
and after telling that guy what he already did, it will likely cost
him twice as much to do it, as the tech will see the opportunity for
the "idiot with a screwdriver" penalty imposition.


You people really crack me up - really. If you could read beyond
your own little contribution to idiocy, you would know how ridiculous you
really sound. But then I wouldn't have such a grand time reading the tripe
from people who think they know what they are talking about, and have all
the answers, but couldn't be more wrong if they tried. Besides, the only way
people like you talk the way you do, is that you hide behind a keyboard. If
you were standing in front of me, the self importance you project when you
feel safe behind your anonymity would disappear, and you might just become a
human being. Should you have actually known me during the last 40 years I
have been working in electronics, you would know that what you said is
completely opposite to reality. I actually almost wish you would meet me in
person after writing you thoughtless negative generalizations about me. If
you did, and unless you have not a single ounce of shame, I have little
doubt that not only would you feel about 1 inch tall, but seeing me in my
current health, you would insist on doing the work for me. Time, living my
life to its fullest when I wasn't holed up working on this or that project,
and some poor personal choices have left me crippled, in a 24/7 hell of
agonizing pain, and dependant on pure oxygen to survive. My will to live, a
life long love and fascination for electronics, and first and foremost, my
daughter, are the only things keeping me going. With this message, I simply
asked for help with confirmation of the identity of a capacitor, nothing
else, but some people are so filled with hatred that they have to heap it on
anyone who happens to catch their attention. Yes, you people crack me up,
but I feel sad for you. Even in my condition, I am a lot happier with life
than you seem to be. Unlike some, I haven't given up yet. If I had, I'd have
gone a long time ago. So thanks for the therapeutic laughter. If you feel
the need to hide behind your shield and spew more vitriolic banter, by all
means, go ahead. You'll have to forgive me if I do not respond. I much
better ways to spend what time I have left. With luck, you'll keep me in
stitches for a long time to come. Thanks to Chuck <[email protected]> I have the
simple information I needed, (thanks again Chuck!) so I no longer need to
monitor this thread. For that, I owe Chuck big time! <LMAO> Ah, that's the


P.S. I trust that anyone else with similar problems as SuperM, and feels the
same need to lash out at people, consider the above applies to you as well.
This will save me from having to repeat myself and you can also consider
this my final posting on the matter.


Chuck Harris

SuperM said:
Top posting TOFU Usenet retard!

It is peen, btw, idiot.

Before you call someone an idiot, it is probably best
to remember the words:

"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than it
is to speak and remove all doubt."

Hammers are very old, and as such they have names that have
gone through many variations as the tides of fashion changed.

One of the early English names for any hammer with one curved face
and one flat face is a "pane hammer"... pronounced "peen hammer".

The hammer with a ball end, and a flat end has been known
variously as a "ball pane hammer", a "ball pein hammer", and
a "ball peen hammer".

All are currently correct, and all are in any reasonable English
language dictionary.



Randel said:
What are you, some kind of troll?

John is some kind of (where the phrase "some kind of"
means "of the highest order") expert.
Of course I could buy a manual,

You would be surprised at the number of people who
don't know that.
but I asked for help from someone who might have one already, and would be
courteous enough to share the information I needed with me. Most of the
questions in these groups could be answered with "search for a manual for
sale." That info is assumed, but not what was requested.

Might be a better policy to appreciate helpful responses,
rather than condemn them.


John Fields

You people really crack me up - really. If you could read beyond
your own little contribution to idiocy, you would know how ridiculous you
really sound. But then I wouldn't have such a grand time reading the tripe
from people who think they know what they are talking about, and have all
the answers, but couldn't be more wrong if they tried. Besides, the only way
people like you talk the way you do, is that you hide behind a keyboard. If
you were standing in front of me, the self importance you project when you
feel safe behind your anonymity would disappear, and you might just become a
human being. Should you have actually known me during the last 40 years I
have been working in electronics, you would know that what you said is
completely opposite to reality. I actually almost wish you would meet me in
person after writing you thoughtless negative generalizations about me. If
you did, and unless you have not a single ounce of shame, I have little
doubt that not only would you feel about 1 inch tall, but seeing me in my
current health, you would insist on doing the work for me. Time, living my
life to its fullest when I wasn't holed up working on this or that project,
and some poor personal choices have left me crippled, in a 24/7 hell of
agonizing pain, and dependant on pure oxygen to survive. My will to live, a
life long love and fascination for electronics, and first and foremost, my
daughter, are the only things keeping me going. With this message, I simply
asked for help with confirmation of the identity of a capacitor, nothing
else, but some people are so filled with hatred that they have to heap it on
anyone who happens to catch their attention. Yes, you people crack me up,
but I feel sad for you. Even in my condition, I am a lot happier with life
than you seem to be. Unlike some, I haven't given up yet. If I had, I'd have
gone a long time ago. So thanks for the therapeutic laughter. If you feel
the need to hide behind your shield and spew more vitriolic banter, by all
means, go ahead. You'll have to forgive me if I do not respond. I much
better ways to spend what time I have left. With luck, you'll keep me in
stitches for a long time to come. Thanks to Chuck <[email protected]> I have the
simple information I needed, (thanks again Chuck!) so I no longer need to
monitor this thread. For that, I owe Chuck big time! <LMAO> Ah, that's the


P.S. I trust that anyone else with similar problems as SuperM, and feels the
same need to lash out at people, consider the above applies to you as well.
This will save me from having to repeat myself and you can also consider
this my final posting on the matter.
