Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Help or assistance on scsi modification



Hi all,
I don't know if I'm in the proper group so here goes,
I have a scsi(in)-scsi(out) OEM interface PCB and what I would like to
do since scsi eqmt is getting scarce, I would like to go scsi-usb.
There are many scsi-usb cable devices nowadays that can handle this
so, I'm thinking, I want to re-design the circuit board design to
communicate to USB storage devices instead of scsi storage. I will
need some scsi-usb controller chip to handle the communications
is there such a thing? I'm guessing the same one that is in those scsi-
usb adapter thingys.

any ideas and help will be greatly appreciated.

Gary Tait

Hi all,
I don't know if I'm in the proper group so here goes,
I have a scsi(in)-scsi(out) OEM interface PCB and what I would like to
do since scsi eqmt is getting scarce, I would like to go scsi-usb.
There are many scsi-usb cable devices nowadays that can handle this
so, I'm thinking, I want to re-design the circuit board design to
communicate to USB storage devices instead of scsi storage. I will
need some scsi-usb controller chip to handle the communications
is there such a thing? I'm guessing the same one that is in those scsi-
usb adapter thingys.

any ideas and help will be greatly appreciated.

If you are talking of a USB "device" such as an HDD or a thumb drive, you
need a host controller, which will amount to a computer that has a USB
host port on one side, and SCSI at the other.