Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Help needed with RCA cable

Hi all, i hope somebody can help me with this as i'm tearing my hair out as we speak.

This is the back of my JVC amplifier/cd/dvd:



This is my TV with the JVC amplifier speakers next to it and the connections on the back of the TV:




This is the cable i was told would connect the two together but it doesn't do anything:


And this is the 2 options on my speaker menu:


I've tried the RCA cable in all the different combinations but still nothing, can someone please help me?



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Well, the place you're connecting that lead to your TV is an audio INPUT. I suggest that you should be looking for an audio OUTPUT


Agreed as Steve said,

Also, show us some more pix of the back of the TV and see if we can identify audio output
connectors. once those, if the TV has that feature, have been identified, then you can use 2 of that 3way RCA lead to connect the audio out from the TV to the Left and Right AUX input on the JVC amplifier.
You will just use the Red and White RCA terminals of the TV audio outlet to the Red and White cable connectors. The Yellow is for a composite video connection. This would be used if say connecting a DVD player to the TV you would use all 3 parts of the cable between DVD and TV. It wont be used between TV and JVC amplifier.
