Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Help needed regarding Vertex2 FPGA

i'm currently working on Vertex-II FPGA using simulink to dump program onto it.. But FPGA automatically assigns the input & output pins for the given simulated input.. so can anyone please give info for finding the assigned pins by simulink or custom assignment of pins..
please its urgent..
If everyone posted to every thread informing that they can not help, the site is going to grind to a halt!

What software are you using to do the design? If you are using the Xilinx software, you need to include a UCF (user constraint file) that associates nets in the design to specific pins, specifies the voltage levels and clock frequencies.

When i hear "it is urgent" my first thought is that it is for a class assignment.



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
To be fair, NickS did say "welcome" to a first time poster.

However I would tend to discourage posts like that for a different reason -- Seeing a thread with responses it's fair to thing that someone is helping.

Perhaps a private message to say welcome would be better :)

Oh, and welcome vinaypv.