Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Help! How to deactivate car alarm?

I disconnected the battery for a couple of weeks to do some repair work
on my truck. When I reconnected battery after the repair was done, I
found an alarm system was activated. It's preventing me from starting
the engine. I didn't even know the truck was equipped with an alarm
system before the incidence. The previous owner probably deactivated it
when he sold the truck to me. I don't have the remote and alarm
manual. I am wondering if there is a way to deactivate the alarm again.
The alarm is an after-market device. I have no idea about the wiring on
it. If you know how to fix this issue or where I can find help, please
let me know. Thank you!

Mark Leuck

Oh yea the ole "I disconnected my battery and now the alarm is armed"

Mr.Double-sided tape

Try X10. The guy posting about it all week makes it seem that system
can do about anything so it should be able to disarm a car alarm.

Matt Ion

I disconnected the battery for a couple of weeks to do some repair work
on my truck. When I reconnected battery after the repair was done, I
found an alarm system was activated. It's preventing me from starting
the engine. I didn't even know the truck was equipped with an alarm
system before the incidence. The previous owner probably deactivated it
when he sold the truck to me. I don't have the remote and alarm
manual. I am wondering if there is a way to deactivate the alarm again.
The alarm is an after-market device. I have no idea about the wiring on
it. If you know how to fix this issue or where I can find help, please
let me know. Thank you!

Now that the class clowns have had their say...

Many car alams use a starter- or ignition-disable relay, which is simply
a relay inserted in the starter or ignition lead and activated by the
alarm. If it's an aftermarket alarm, this should be fairly easy to
trace as the relay will usually be under the dash near the bottom of the
steering column, in one of the larest wires you'll see. Once you find
it, remove it and splice the wires back together, OR... leave it in, and
simply replace that alarm brain with a new one that you DO have the
remote for, making use of the existing starter kill and other installed
features. Any decent alarm installer should have no problem tracking
down the existing system.

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