Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Help design circuit from transfer function

Harald Kapp

Why does it have to be like this? Is this an assignement or homework? In that case I'll transfer it to the homework forum.

this function transfer: G(s)=10/[(s+1) (s+5)]
Write that equation as: G(s)=10 * 1/(s+1) * 1/(s+5) and you'll see that it has three terms:
10 = gain, can be obtained by a simple gain stage or integrated into the filter stages by giving them gain.
1/(s+1) = 1st order low pass filter
1/(s+5) = 1st order low pass filter
Multiplying these 3 terms is equivalent to a series connection of the 3 equivalent subcircuits.
The 1st order low pass filter is described e.g. in the Wikipedia - I guess that's where you took the image from and you could have linked to the Wikipedia article directly instead.

The issue is being discussed in detail e.g. here.
Thank you for the theory.
It is not a homework but a professor of mine asked me to bulid a ''silly'' circuit with 5 opamps for educational purpose.