Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Help about schematic diagram of relay project

I have the following:
12 V AC Transformer
Coin Slot Timer
12 V DC Battery
-you can add more...

now the coin slot timer is connected to 12V AC transformer
now if there is brownout, the relay switch is activated, and the battery will supply power to the coin slot timer..
(note: i don't want battery to be charge)...
(note: the coin slot timer have also a 12V DC component)

can you make me schematic diagram of this..
hope you understand my english ;)
Mike, we will need more information that this. Can you provide specs on the coin slot timer? Does it really run off of ac?
Your English is not a problem. The problem is that you won't give us any information to work with, photos of your components, or anything useful.

Here is the coin slot timer:

The color blue component is the relay..
I have extra relay here from my coin slot timer.
I want the timer to run even there is brownout by using a 12 volts battery and a relay.