Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Help -1992 Sony XBR has taken on a blue tint



Hello all,
I noticed my 1992 KV27-XBR35 color quality had taken a decided turn
for the worse. Turning down the color control all the way reveals an
image that appears bright blue/green in color.
It used to have a pretty good grey scale.

My wife told me (she watches it more than me) that before
this happened, the picture, over a period of days,
would occasionaly appear too bright, almost as if the tube was
being overloaded.

This is not a the case where either the red, blue or green gun
has died completely - they all have a presence on the screen.
But they are out of whack.

Please advise - I realize the TV is old, but any background on
possible issues appreciated.


Mark D. Zacharias

Sounds like the red emissions are low. (crt aging) May be fixed for a while
at least by a knowledgeable tech with a crt rejuvenator.

Mark Z.


Sounds like the red emissions are low. (crt aging) May be fixed for a while
at least by a knowledgeable tech with a crt rejuvenator.

Mark Z.
Hi Mark,
last night before going to bed I entered the setup menu and
reduced the sub-contrast. I then unplugged the TV.
This morning the TV color balance is much better,
albeit a greatly subdued picture.
Black screens, such as when changing channels
are actually black again, instead of a dark blue color.

In general, if the picture on the TV appears too bright
as it did in my case, is that a sign the tube is wearing out,
or is something else overdriving the tube having a problem?

Jerry G.

The symptoms you are seeing are classic to a failing CRT in these series of


Jerry G.

Hello all,
I noticed my 1992 KV27-XBR35 color quality had taken a decided turn
for the worse. Turning down the color control all the way reveals an
image that appears bright blue/green in color.
It used to have a pretty good grey scale.

My wife told me (she watches it more than me) that before
this happened, the picture, over a period of days,
would occasionaly appear too bright, almost as if the tube was
being overloaded.

This is not a the case where either the red, blue or green gun
has died completely - they all have a presence on the screen.
But they are out of whack.

Please advise - I realize the TV is old, but any background on
possible issues appreciated.



The symptoms you are seeing are classic to a failing CRT in these series of
Thanks for the info Jerry.
This problem occurred very shortly (within a week) after having the
power supply fixed.
Could be a coincidence I suppose... I mentioned it to the tech guy
but he wasn't impressed at all with my inferrence that it was
It's probably too late now anyway, damage has been done.