Maker Pro
Maker Pro


Hello all =),

My name is Tom Queen. I am currently 16 and am in my first year of my electronics A-level (also taking Biology, Chemistry and Physics). I have been interested in how things worked since before I could talk and this naturally progressed to an interest in electronics (and also computers). I don't have a massive amount of experience yet. I understand basic components (basic ICs, capacitors, transistors, MOSFETS etc...) and I am good at problem solving.

I have attempted a few simple circuits in the past (made a digital dice using a 555 to generate random numbers and output this through a series of transistors into a display made of LEDs, but I did use an instruction booklet to make this and didn't understand much of it at the time. Also built a PICAXE based simple buggy robot, also from instructions which had two bumper switches at the front and a speaker. Also a high voltage capacitor bank charger made of bits of disposable camera ^_^).

I am pretty good at soldering. I have some basic equipment (soldering iron, de-solder pump, multi-meter, bench power supply from a cannibalised computer PSU and a almost broken oscilloscope).

I am a pretty quick leaner and wish to greatly expand my knowledge in electronics (I plan on taking robotics for a degree in Plymouth after finishing my A-levels).

Thanks for welcoming me =D


welcome to the forum Tom

enjoy your time here and hope it is informative for you



Hi Tom and welcome to the forums :)

It sounds like you're making a great start at learning electronics, well done!