Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Hello World 1.0 by Dave of Brighton

Hello All,

My name is Dave, I'm 23 from Brighton and i'm a major geek with a big problem, I suck at electronics! I am learning basics with the Arduino and Raspberry Pi Platforms, with a view to eventually building my own Games Console like the Uzebox. I look forward to talking with you all, and sharing knowledge and experiences!

All the Best,



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Welcome to Electronics Point.

Maybe we can answer some of your questions.
Hi Steve, many thanks for the warm welcome! I was just about to pen a post about my questions as it goes, including trying to get some ideas of some good books to read, Electronics Kits to practice on etc. I have aquired a number of samples from Analog Devices but unfortunately they are all ridiculously small Surface Mount devices with 3 billion pins per cubic mm lol