Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Hello, need help

Hello, and need help...
I'm from the U.S....

My name is Eugene and I just register to this forum, and hope
that I get help with answers....

Can anyone guide me which forum or threads should I post my
enquiry about JVC's tape deck parts??? I need help and I would
post the part number for my tape deck. I will provide the model
and serial number of my tape deck for you to maybe match the
part for the right tape deck model and serial number.

Thank you,


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Hello Cruztech, and welcome.

I would think that here would be the right place if you're after data on them, or here if it's more a repair related thing.
Okay, Steve,

Thanks.... I just posted my enquiry on the first link for parts.

See my post in that section.... "My JVC Tape Deck Circuit Board".

Thank you,