Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Hello. I am HANKMARS. Jack of all trades, master of none.

Many of my projects may seem off the wall. Some are, some are not. Many times, if a device is needed, I may try to construct it from components on hand. Sometimes leads to interesting discoveries and other times simply leaves me exasperated. At that point I revert to conventional actions. Example: I needed a pulse width modulator for motor control and started from scratch. Two reasons for this. If I design a device, I generally avoid "surprises" down range. Second, I was in financial ruins. Before starting revision 5, I checked out Amazon and found a very nice, user friendly unit for about $12. I caved and ordered it. Good move. I have an AAS degree in EET and am willing to help out if able. I find Electronics Point to be a very useful site and a very positive attribute of the net.