Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Hello from London, England!


Wow! This place looks interesting...

My real name is Ralph and I live in London, England with my wife Sue. I have been interested in electronics since I was a teenager. I usually try to build stuff that is used in my other interests. Over the years this has included automotive electrics, audio and various model-making projects. Currently I am experimenting with microprocessors to control low voltage lighting and motors for use in model railways and Meccano (Erector) models. you can see my workshop and catch up with what I have been up to lately HERE .

Although I have been dabbling for years, my technical knowledge is fairly small. I am hoping that I can learn a lot from reading this forum and joining in where I can. I have just bought an Arduino Uno and managed to get it to flash a LED. Now, this may not be an earth-shattering achievement but I did manage to write my own little programme and for me it is the first step on the ladder.

After years of just building little projects I am now studding the basics and intend to master designing and building my own projects.

I am off to have a good look around here and I will join in where I can.



hey there Ralph
welcome :)

Ohhh wow meccano, I used to have a set of that stuff when I was a kid. Between it and those small building blocks (long before leggo) they kept me busy for hours making stuff up. we must be similar age ... I turn 53 in July
take care enjoy your stay, join in and have fun

Hello Dave,

I had Meccano as a kid and still have it. Sue, my wife is also into it and is a builder. We are planning to build some 'electronics' into our models if we can figure it all out. The Meccano compatible microprocessor (MotorVator) is a few years old now and the Arduino sounds like it will be just what we need - a bit of a learning curve first me thinks. BTW I am 56 so we are about the same age. I thought this place would be full of 30-somethings that will talk far too fast for this old brain! If you want to see more of our Meccano exploits go to Ralph & Sue's Meccano...

Thanks for the welcome,
Ralph ;)