Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Hello all...

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Hi guys,

I'm Matt, I signed up here to see if I can get some help relating to a small project I'm doing, I'm a software test engineer, I maintain and develop our automated test system that runs a whole bunch of RF tests on onchip applications (in other words I test the higher level Bluetooth communication profiles, i.e. hfp, avrcp, a2dp etc.). I have a degree in computing for real time systems and done various embedded computing projects at uni.

As you can tell my background is mostly software and for this project I'm going to need to put together some custom hardware; I can't see it being too complex as its just a series of LED drivers, but I don't really have a clue about LED circuits so time to research and learn!



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
When you say "LED Drivers" are you talking about driving high or low power LEDs?

The major difference is that low power LEDs can be driven from a voltage source with an appropriate current limiting resistor. Whilst you can do the same for high powered LEDs, you're better off with a current source.
When you say "LED Drivers" are you talking about driving high or low power LEDs?

The major difference is that low power LEDs can be driven from a voltage source with an appropriate current limiting resistor. Whilst you can do the same for high powered LEDs, you're better off with a current source.

Hi, it would be for low power; ideally driven by a battery, the idea is the lights are going to be put into a portable device, all I am looking for is a random flash sequence or step flash sequence (i.e. top row light up, then second row and so on) or (if I can do it) flashing in response to music.

Many thanks,


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I was going to say "Look here, someone is trying to do something very similar..." only to find you've asked the same question twice.

So I'll close this thread now.
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