Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Hello - 1st Time Posting - Need Advice

Hello Everyone,

I've been teaching myself electronics over the past couple of years - pretty fun. I find myself needing some parts, and not sure what they are called, so not sure what phrase/name to search for on Mouser, DigiKey, etc. Looking for the following two things:

  • Need a 2-port female jack that I can attach to the end of wires that connects to pin headers (much like crimping an RJ-11 jack onto a phone line).
  • Need some kind of RGB LED push button to connect to Arduino that is a momentary switch, so I can leave it lit as White all the time, and display as yell when depressed.

Please forgive my neophyte questions.
A "jack" is usually a specific type of connector, as might plug hedphones into a stereo or a phone. Is this what you want?
If so searching those suppliers for the combination of connector type termination type and is what people do. Generally using the image provided for confirmation, and check dimensions match what you are looking for.
RJ-11s tend to be IDC, insulation displacement conectors, those ones that just push through the insulation and into the wire. Not sure that one finds jacks with that termination, but have not looked.
Illuminated momentary push buttons switches come in many types and sizes and voltage and current ratings. Searching through what is offered, maybe with a selector guide if available, is probably what you have to do.
So combine terms like RGB, momentary, push button, maybe even two-colour?
Thanks. What Im looking for (finally figured it out) are Female Wire Jumper Pin Header Connector 1x2. If theres a good place to get those outside of ebay anyone LMK.

Still working on the switch part.
pin headers? ok
I buy in bags of many of Aliexpress.
Tend to be self-assembly.
The quality of the crimp-tool can make a big difference to how easily they come together.
There are many places to get singles alreasy assembled. Maybe 1x2.
If its tow-ended, then f-f, f-m, & m-m options. Used widely for prototyping.
"du-pont" is also a term that comes up.
Sometimes, its good to get a connector that latches, will not shake off.
Great, thanks! Ill be sure to check out Alibaba.

In the meantime, below is a pic of the button Im looking for - does this look familiar?


Moderatots note : uploaded picture to the forum
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Need some kind of RGB LED push button to connect to Arduino that is a momentary switch, so I can leave it lit as White all the time, and display as yell when depressed.

How would you know it changed colour from white to yellow as you have your finger on it (momentary)

As Martin says looks like a tactile switch but possibly one that is LED lit.
More detail required, link to where you saw this for example(not some photo site, a spec site)