Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Heat-stripping wire wrap wire


Mikko Syrjalahti


Years ago I bought a reel of wire wrap wire that has a nice feature. If
you heat the end of cut wire, the insulation will retract 1-1.5mm and
the wire can be soldered easily. Usually it's enough to just cut the
wire and push it carefully to molten solder blob to get a good

This wire is perfect for quick prototyping; making 40 _reliable_
connections is really fast: just cut suitable pieces and solder them!

Now we're running out of reel and I've been looking for the next reel,
but none of the WW wires tried so far has this nice property.

I vaguely remember that this wire has been discussed here before.

Any idea where I should go looking ?

Martin Riddle


Years ago I bought a reel of wire wrap wire that has a nice feature. If
you heat the end of cut wire, the insulation will retract 1-1.5mm and
the wire can be soldered easily. Usually it's enough to just cut the
wire and push it carefully to molten solder blob to get a good

This wire is perfect for quick prototyping; making 40 _reliable_
connections is really fast: just cut suitable pieces and solder them!

Now we're running out of reel and I've been looking for the next reel,
but none of the WW wires tried so far has this nice property.

I vaguely remember that this wire has been discussed here before.

Any idea where I should go looking ?

Was it Kynar? Not sure if that was it.
