Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Header pins

I want to make a single sided circuit on strip board. I need header pins so i can plug it into breadboard.
These male headers exist. As do these stackable female headers
The product i require is a through the hole male downwards facing header. Just the long pins of the stackable female headers without header sockets on the top side of my circuit board.
Does such a product exist if so what's it called?

Harald Kapp

You can get male pin headers in various lenghts for stacking PCBs. You can insert them with the long end through the PCB to have the pins on the other side (I guess that's what you mean by downward facing?)
Why do you need special headers? Wouldn't it be possible to simply insert standard headers from the back of the PCB facing in the direction you need? If the plastic body is in the way, simply cut it off after soldering (not before as it will stabilize the alignment of the pins) with sharp pliers or a Dremel tool.
As @Harald Kapp has pointed out, header pins are just ‘header pins’. You can get m/f, m/m, f/f etc and cut whatever not needed off. Or just purchase dupont ext wires with male or female ends.
Do a web search for ‘header pins’. Click images and select the type you require.
