Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Hayes modem



I need help. I've got a hayes smartmodem 1200 that I am trying to get
working with GE DL900 software for the tone sniff activated download on an
NX panel. GE says the 1200 should work with the tone sniff option. Any one
had any luck with this. The 1200 has no dip switches and came with no
drivers. I tried setting it up in windose as a standard 1200 bps modem and
in DL900 modem #2 is hayes smartmodem 1200. I get initialization error when
I click 'connect using modem'. Anyone got any advise? TIA



As I understand it the Hayes 1200 will NOT do tone sniff. I think you need
some other brand of modem to do that. Otherwise, my Hayes 1200 or 2400 do
just fine with DL900.



Jim Rojas said:
Remove the front of the modem. That is where the dipswitches are. Make
sure switches 3,5,8 are down...all others should be up.

so that's where they hide those little buggers. Already set to 3,5,8 down
tho. gracias


Rich said:
If Jim didnt get it right e-mail me I look at mine
I use on at work.
Look at the sheet atached

thanks, the attached sheet said to turn off modem sounds and now I don't
get 'initialization error' :) Now it connects and then says "error writing
to module 0 0" and when I click on that box it says "unable to get
configuration" and when I click on that box it disconnects. :(
Any ideas on this? TIA


Well maybe somebody fed me some bad info then. Wouldn't be the first time,
won't be the last. Tech Support ????????? Now there is a conflict of

Never had a need to do the Tone Sniff so I never tried. Then again, I never
tried since I was told it would not work with this modem.

WELL maybe someday when I have n-o-t-h-i-n-g else to


Mark Leuck said:
That happens when the modem cannot properly connect to either the panel or
module connected to the panel

no module so maybe I'll try smartmodem 300 in DL900 next time since 1200
isn't working.


spike said:
I need help. I've got a hayes smartmodem 1200 that I am trying to get
working with GE DL900 software for the tone sniff activated download on an
NX panel. GE says the 1200 should work with the tone sniff option. Any
one had any luck with this. The 1200 has no dip switches and came with no
drivers. I tried setting it up in windose as a standard 1200 bps modem and
in DL900 modem #2 is hayes smartmodem 1200. I get initialization error
when I click 'connect using modem'. Anyone got any advise? TIA

I whined to Mark Leuck about my Hayes 2400 not doing the "tone sniff" thang,
and he gave me a 1200. It doesn't sniff didly squat either, but I figured he
just unloaded a bum unit on me. Anyway, I never could get the tone sniff to

Bob La Londe

spike said:
I need help. I've got a hayes smartmodem 1200 that I am trying to get
working with GE DL900 software for the tone sniff activated download on an
NX panel. GE says the 1200 should work with the tone sniff option. Any
one had any luck with this. The 1200 has no dip switches and came with no
drivers. I tried setting it up in windose as a standard 1200 bps modem and
in DL900 modem #2 is hayes smartmodem 1200. I get initialization error
when I click 'connect using modem'. Anyone got any advise? TIA

I use a USR Sportster 56K for my Caddx stuff with no problems.


alarman said:
I whined to Mark Leuck about my Hayes 2400 not doing the "tone sniff"
thang, and he gave me a 1200. It doesn't sniff didly squat either, but I
figured he just unloaded a bum unit on me. Anyway, I never could get the
tone sniff to work.

I got the tone sniff part down. now just gotta get the comm part right
after it connects. Had to turn off modem speaker in 2 places in software to
stop init error. Gotta big trim tommorow so it'l have to wait at few days.


I need help. I've got a hayes smartmodem 1200 that I am trying to get
working with GE DL900 software for the tone sniff activated download on an
NX panel. GE says the 1200 should work with the tone sniff option. Any one
had any luck with this. The 1200 has no dip switches and came with no
drivers. I tried setting it up in windose as a standard 1200 bps modem and
in DL900 modem #2 is hayes smartmodem 1200. I get initialization error when
I click 'connect using modem'. Anyone got any advise? TIA

Forgive my ignorance here, as I don't install Caddix, but what the
hell is tone sniff?

IOW, you lie.

The modem sends out a tone that the panel recognizes and will pick up
without having to do a ring-hang-ring, if you've ever done FBII panels it's
the same concept. I seldom use it unless it's a business that doesn't deal
well with the more conventional method

Oh, so the tech has to be on the phone with his buttset?

Bob La Londe

spike said:
Not tone sniffer?

Don't know. The modem was already installed on the PC. I installed the
software told it what modem and it worked 1st try.


Bob La Londe said:
Don't know. The modem was already installed on the PC. I installed the
software told it what modem and it worked 1st try.

I'll try again.
you ever tried it with tone sniff download?

Bob La Londe

spike said:
I'll try again.
you ever tried it with tone sniff download?

Been a while since I used my Caddx software. I only have a couple panels
and a couple DIYers that I have programmed.

Carnival Midway Hawker

Yea or anyone picking up the phone or say an answering machine, the pitfall
of using Tone Sniff is it doesn't work if the call goes to voice mail

Voicemail and 'callnotes' services have always been APITA.