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Harvey Norman the pommy view.


Don McKenzie

I think Gerry and Friends may be too busy right now, and this issue could remain dormant for a few more months:

Melbourne Herald Sun - Today:
"Demand for furniture and electrical goods is also expected to soar as homeowners replace lost possessions.
Radio Rentals refused to comment on speculation it was preparing to raise prices to cash in on insurance claims.
However, shoppers around Australia may find shortages of many items as retailers prioritise stores in northern New South
Wales and Queensland."

Cheers Don...


Don McKenzie

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These products will reduce in price by 5% every month:

Bare Proto PCB for PIC or AVR projects?
"I'd buy that for a Dollar!".

Rod Speed

mark said:
same differance ..........

he led ,

he talked .

if he was just the mouth peice , he led it as well.

Pigs arse he did.

Rod Speed

kreed wrote
They weren't socialist then,

They were, actually, most obviously with public schools,
the cops, work houses, the postal service, etc etc etc.
they have been now for a couple of generations,

They were for a hell of a long time before that.
and that is the cause of decline.

Nope, they had got very stupid LONG before that, most obviously with the Boer War and WW1.

Jack Simms

actually Rod, not quite true

The GST exemption limit applies to anything brought for personal use,
no matter how its sent.

I have had many items delivered, mainly books and computer
software/parts ex-USA, and have ALWAYS had them shipped either FEDEX
or DHL. And only once been charged GST, when the value exceeded

Rod Speed

Jack said:
actually Rod, not quite true

You're wrong.
The GST exemption limit applies to anything brought for personal use,
no matter how its sent.

Wrong. Those two limits apply to stuff for personal
use, and the limit varys with the value of the item.
I have had many items delivered, mainly books and computer
software/parts ex-USA, and have ALWAYS had them shipped
either FEDEX or DHL. And only once been charged GST,

Yes, they dont manage to charge it every time when its due.
when the value exceeded AUD$1000

Nope, when it exceeded $250, legally. Someone fucked up.


Typical stupid poms, couldnt even get the basics right.

Nothing was 'led' by Harvey, he was JUST the mouthpiece.

And the exemption level is only $1K with posted articles, its $250 with stuff that moves by courier.

And the fridge is irrelevant, it isnt exempt because its way over the exemption level, stupids.
Importing the 3g iPad from the US is likely to be just as futile since
it will be locked to the ATT network, importing a Dyson vacuum cleaner
would end in tears as the US 60Hz motor would probably not take kindly
to our 50Hz system even if you were willing to drag a transformer around
after it.

Since the table was simply there to show the price differences, not the
practicality of importing the stuff all of that that is totally
irrelevant. Somebody is making a bomb out of the Australian consumer,
anybody notice a price drop of 20% or so in the last few months? I
didn't think so.


I think Gerry and Friends may be too busy right now, and this issue
could remain dormant for a few more months:

Melbourne Herald Sun - Today:
"Demand for furniture and electrical goods is also expected to soar as
homeowners replace lost possessions.
Radio Rentals refused to comment on speculation it was preparing to
raise prices to cash in on insurance claims.
However, shoppers around Australia may find shortages of many items as
retailers prioritise stores in northern New South Wales and Queensland."

Cheers Don...

Will Gerry offer a discount to flood victims, especially those not
covered by flood insurance? I'd like to be surprised, but I expect to be

Rod Speed

keithr wrote
Rod Speed wrote
Importing the 3g iPad from the US is likely to be just as futile since it will be locked to the ATT network,

Pity about importing it from somewhere else.
importing a Dyson vacuum cleaner would end in tears as the US 60Hz motor would probably not take kindly to our 50Hz

Plenty of motors do fine with that difference.
even if you were willing to drag a transformer around after it.

There might be a bit more than transformers now.
Since the table was simply there to show the price differences, not the practicality of importing the stuff all of
that that is totally irrelevant.

Nope, what was being discussed was the GST campaign, stupid.
Somebody is making a bomb out of the Australian consumer,

Sometimes they are, sometimes they aint. Have a look at the price of Samsung 2TB
drives for example. No one is making a bomb out of the Australian consumer with those.
anybody notice a price drop of 20% or so in the last few months?

Its been a hell of a lot more than that with TVs, stupid.
I didn't think so.

Yes, its always been obvious that you dont have what you need to think with.


Rod Speed said:
keithr wrote

Pity about importing it from somewhere else.

Plenty of motors do fine with that difference.

There might be a bit more than transformers now.

Transformers can't convert 50Hz into 60Hz anyway.
Mr. Dyson is your typical self-promoting wanker-when the old Hoover is directly compared the
Dyson design has LESS suction.


fritz said:
Transformers can't convert 50Hz into 60Hz anyway.
Mr. Dyson is your typical self-promoting wanker-when the old Hoover is
directly compared the
Dyson design has LESS suction.

Ah yes but the technology???? The technology, which has not been embraced by
Oz sellers of technology. Kinda bit weird eh????


You might be able to crack the Ipad, and it may work in Aus under
another network by agreement, however you probably had to sign up with
ATT in the first place.
For example Russian "Bee-line" prepaid sim brought back from Russia
worked perfectly here under optus. bit hard to top it up though :)

Having said this though, unless you know up front that it can be done,
I wouldnt take the risk.

As for Vacuum cleaners, I could be wrong but don't they use universal
brush type motors ? This type should work ok on 60hz - even DC :) ?

My experience is that motors designed for 60Hz do tend to run rather hot
even if they have universal motors. A friend brought a radial arm saw
back from the US, you couldn't use it for more than 5 minutes before it
shut down and had to be left for 10 minutes or so to cool down.


keithr wrote

Pity about importing it from somewhere else.

Plenty of motors do fine with that difference.

Some do most get too hot.
There might be a bit more than transformers now.

You could use an inverter, or even use UPS I suppose, neither of which
is practical for a vacuum cleaner.
Nope, what was being discussed was the GST campaign, stupid.

Sometimes they are, sometimes they aint. Have a look at the price of Samsung 2TB
drives for example. No one is making a bomb out of the Australian consumer with those.

Computer components are mostly an exception. Most of it is little
cheaper even in Hong Kong.
Its been a hell of a lot more than that with TVs, stupid.

Over recent years - yes. Over the last few months in line with the
dollars rise - no.
Yes, its always been obvious that you dont have what you need to think with.

Any you have always been arrogant enought to believe in your own
infallibility. You missed your true vocation, you should have been pope.


Ah yes but the technology???? The technology, which has not been embraced by
Oz sellers of technology. Kinda bit weird eh????

I've found the only hand dryers that really work well are the Dyson
type. Bought a Dyson Fan which I reckon at $500 (Harvey Norman) is
expensive but looks nice is quite and gives a perfect breeze. Wonder
why the copies aren't out?

Rod Speed

fritz wrote
Transformers can't convert 50Hz into 60Hz anyway.

Yes, but plenty of motors dont care about that sort of frequency difference.
Mr. Dyson is your typical self-promoting wanker-when the old Hoover is directly compared the Dyson design has LESS

Irrelevant to what is being discussed.

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