Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Harvey Norman Cable Scam



Phil Allison said:

** Quote from earlier in this thread:

" Monster is just about the smoothest con ever - a blatant, right in
face scam.

If a shop even sells Monster Cables - I suggest you simply walk out.

Maybe tell the manager why first - if you have the nerve to. "

............. Phil
Many, MANY moons ago, a salesman at one of Melbourne's most reputable HiFi
stores explained to me that their expensive speaker cables had thick strands
for the low notes and thin strands fot the high notes.
I'd never name them of course.
Think Bridge road.
Think Richmond.

Phil Allison

Some psycho gear box mechanic who HATES hi-fi spewed.

Hey Alan *IF* wonder boy knows so much why did he buy some
dud Quad ESL63s last year????

** False in every respect.

Also just ask him what "crap"
he listens to - like his single DAC, worn out Sony CD

** The Sony CDP 101 is one of the best performing CD players ever made.

Mine is still in perfect working order.

his Jaycar kit speakers

** Vifa two ways in fact with full electronic x-over system and sub woofer.

Previously I owned Quad ESLs for 26 years.

and some relic guitar amp.

** Absolutely false - TT is a congenital, bloody LIAR.

This idiot wouldn't know hi-fi from a toaster!

** TT is a demented gear box mechanic, Nazi and an utter fuckwit from

might piss you off. as he hold no punches....!!

No you are wrong.

** He is pretty much right - actually.

He is the vilest scum bag on Usenet

** Nope - Terrence Tencer is the one vying for that dishonour.

usually abuses people for no reason

** Bunbury's leading expert at net stalking and libelling is the psycho


TT is the crazy looking one with the wrench in his hand.......

............... Phil

Richard Waters

| Yes, *IF* a choice is given, there should be no argument.

Agreed... ...and I always new my stock and always gave them the choice...

| Yep, his profit is far more important than customer service.

Agreed... ...thats why I left The Derney Group (Harvey Norman and Domayne)

| Unfortunately many do, even when they are in the wrong.

Disagree... must have had a bad run my friend... :-S

| Yep, but it is annoying when you have already gotten to the wrap it up
| stage.

As a salesman you know ur stock level and know what you have to offer - get
to the "wrap-up stage" (as you put it?) and you ask them if they want one -
if you have new stock you DONT sell the display, if the display is all thats
left, you already know this AND ALSO know if you can get them from another
store or supplier and you them then know while you are selling the item - so
that you dont waste their shopping time.

If they want one ordered - order it, if they want the display, then pack it
up, clean it up, check all the bits are there and make sure it is in "as
new" condition.

It all boils down to (and someone else posted it here in this thread too!)
that a GOOD salesman knows his stock and what he can and cant do and informs
the person as part of the sale...

| Sometimes it's more complicated than that.

If it is then ur rights have been abused and you have HUNDREDS of avenues to
follow - well ok, not hundreds but you are in the right, just as your camera
story showed and it WOULD have been a problem if you were served by me! ;-)

| So you should have to ask a salesperson to be honest, and I guess you'll
| believe them afterwards :)

It was a generic statement - tell a salesperson youre not into bullshit and
fancy extras, but that you just want the product and the fact and they will
probably like it more... ...most customers enter a store, stand in front
of a salesperson as if you ask "...NOW! Impress me Monkey Boy! Show me
your tricks!!!" and then make them bend over backwards and NEVER buy -
wasting time, wasting effort - tyre kickers!...

....ever looked around a store and couldnt find a salesman because you were
ready to buy or ask questions - 50% of the time thats because one of the
people described above, a tyre-kicker, was wasting a salespersons time!

| Not surprising then that customers are sick of know it all salespeople who
| really know nothing.

Trained as an Electronics Engineer, Computer Technician - worked for
repairers for most of the major printer, computer manufacturers, was IBM
cert. to repair IBM equipment and was well versed in my craft, and made sure
I was trained well in customer service and sales...

....oh, by the way - customer service and sales are two COMPLETELY different
things - despite what customers think!

| I guess consumers are better off now you've gone at least.

No they are not, when I left dick smith, domayne I had customers in my town
follow me to different stores so they could get my service!

Relax, I spose you need to insult someone you dont know to make your point -

-- Richard

PS -- I know run two business on my own and have a tidy customer base
which is a testiment to my customer service and sales ability! ;-)
Think Encel. However, Vince Testa, formerly the owner of Symphonia
Audio told the same story over and over. Sad thing is , he actually
believed it.

Vince...ahhh the green pen man...
and not only going mad on green pens but selling rebadged $2.00 green
pens for $8.00....and beyond...
Of course a certain wholesaler in Sydney (one who may have played with
Q.E.D. alot) decided to import the original green pen from the USA.
retail $28.00

paul packer

"paul packer" ...

** The raving fuckwit above from Tosca Drive, Gorakan NSW collects child
porn by his own admission.


Ayn Marx

T.T. said:
Many, MANY moons ago, a salesman at one of Melbourne's most reputable HiFi
stores explained to me that their expensive speaker cables had thick strands
for the low notes and thin strands fot the high notes.
I'd never name them of course.
Think Bridge road.
Think Richmond.

Think Encel. However, Vince Testa, formerly the owner of Symphonia
Audio told the same story over and over. Sad thing is , he actually
believed it.


Phil Allison said:
** We ????

Keyboard broken?
Who is this "We"

We, being the people who can read. If that's not self evident, take it as
read that you're the stupidest fucker here and posting your 'thoughts' are
unnecessary; reposting them, doubly so.
You and your strutting, pig god ego ???

LOL, this from the Philistine who is so self important he reposts his own
rubbish in different places of the same thread! Shame you're the stupidest
fucker here or you could laugh at your hypocrisy with us. Us, being the
people who can read, before you ask.

Phil Allison

"Phil Allison"

We, being the people who can read.

** The posts in question seem to have gone missing - so I better quote

" Poxy:
Straight up, the guy said it was a scam, and asked me if I knew the
difference between composite and component. Indicating that I might, he
claimed that the particular split-screen or picture-in-picture
my friend had seen was in fact promoted as a sales technique by Monster
cables. It just involved showing the composite signal on one side, and
component on the other.

While he went on about the demonstration being misleading, and that they
didn't sell Monster cables out of "principle".......

** Quote from earlier in this thread:

" Monster is just about the smoothest con ever - a blatant, right in your
face scam.

If a shop even sells Monster Cables - I suggest you simply walk out.

Maybe tell the manager why first - if you have the nerve to. "

.............. Phil "

If that's not self evident,

** It is far from evident that a psycho POS like Michael can actually read.

take it as read that you're the stupidest fucker here and posting your
'thoughts' are unnecessary; reposting them, doubly so.

** So is this " Michael " cretin involved in the marketing of Monster
Cable ???

Seems mighty upset about me outing the scam.

** Michael takes his " strutting, pig god ego " very seriously.

Good thing nobody else does.

Just another pile of puke dished up via Hotmail.

............. Phil


Don't worry about it Michael, Pill's just being his usual hypocritical
self (see below):

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Pis off Wog Scum
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2005 23:43:32 +1100
From: Caliban <[email protected]>
Newsgroups: aus.electronics
References: <[email protected]>
<[email protected]>
<[email protected]>
<[email protected]> <[email protected]>
<[email protected]>
<[email protected]>
<[email protected]>
<[email protected]>
<[email protected]>
<[email protected]>
<[email protected]>
<[email protected]>
<[email protected]>
<[email protected]>
<[email protected]>
<[email protected]>

Phil said:
We really found out what a pathetic POS "Caliban" is.

What's this "we" business? You hearing voices Pill?

Alan Rutlidge

Phil Allison said:
Some psycho gear box mechanic who HATES hi-fi spewed.

** False in every respect.

Liar Phil. You posted here and did the cry baby thing on how you reckon you
got duped. It went on and on and on.....
** The Sony CDP 101 is one of the best performing CD players ever made.

Mine is still in perfect working order.

Yeah, I got rid of mine a little over a year after purchasing it and bought
a much better player.
And how many times have you repaired your CDP-101 Phil? If it was such a
good player howcome you'd be lucky to get $20 for it on Ebay? Somethink
like that clapped out AWIA 9500 tuner of yours? Passed in on Ebay a couple
of months ago with no bids at $19.95 ????
** Vifa two ways in fact with full electronic x-over system and sub woofer.

Previously I owned Quad ESLs for 26 years.

** Absolutely false - TT is a congenital, bloody LIAR.

So what amplifier do you use in your hi-fi system Phil? Here's your big
chance to impress us all.
** TT is a demented gear box mechanic, Nazi and an utter fuckwit from

Phil just has sour grapes as usual. Anyone who has been even slightly
successful (Phil's a good example of a complete failure) comes in for
special treatment by Phuckwit Phil. Phil just can't stand the idea that
someone might just be able to afford something better than the Steptoe verge
collected junk that he has.
** He is pretty much right - actually.

Phil, YOU are most definitely the most vilest creature ever to infest
UseNet. You are like a virus that gets into every nook and cranny,
infecting everything as you spread like the plague.
** Nope - Terrence Tencer is the one vying for that dishonour.

** Bunbury's leading expert at net stalking and libelling is the psycho


TT is the crazy looking one with the wrench in his hand.......

TT is no psycho - YOU are Phil. Your Net stalking activities are well know
to all the regulars on UseNet. You have threatened me on numerous
occassions, even so much as to try to get someone else to do your dirty work
you scumbag coward.

You are the sort of low-life that makes me want to spew.

Phil Allison

Some totally loony arse bandit from Perth puked:
"Phil Allison"

Liar Phil.

** The ESL63s were not "dud" and it was not last year.

Plus, I bought them from a major Quad dealership with a full warranty.

Yeah, I got rid of mine a little over a year after purchasing it and
a much better player.

** No you did not.

So what amplifier do you use in your hi-fi system Phil? Here's your big
chance to impress us all.

** Impressing some fuckwit audiophool is the very last thing need to do.

Phil, YOU are most definitely the most vilest creature ever to infest

** So says a stupid, desperate, psychotic, net stalking, libel spewing, ex
Telstra puke + a bloody arse bandit !!!


TT is no psycho - YOU are Phil.

** TT is insane - and you are even worse.

You have threatened me on numerous

** Absolutely false.

The reverse is the true case.

even so much as to try to get someone else to do your dirty work
you scumbag coward.

** Sheer, rabid dog paranoia ........

This fat, ugly arse bandit is a complete freak.

.............. Phil

Alan Rutlidge

Phil Allison said:
Some totally loony arse bandit from Perth puked:

** The ESL63s were not "dud" and it was not last year.

Oh, so the truth finally comes out. The Quads ESL63s you bought from
Campsie Hi-Fi had nothing wrong with them? So howcome you raved all over
aus.hi-fi like a bloody lunatic that they were faulty if indeed you have
just claimed they were not "dud"? A bit of a contradiction taking place
here Phil. Explain this little slip of the keyboard.
Plus, I bought them from a major Quad dealership with a full warranty.

So if (as you originally claimed) one unit was low on output, why did you
not avail yourself of the full warranty and have the "defective" speaker
repaired under that warranty?
** No you did not.

Actually Phil you are correct. I got rid of it within less than 12 months
of owning it. Traded it for a much better player.
** Impressing some fuckwit audiophool is the very last thing need to do.

So until Phil says otherwise one can assume TT's original comment of "relic
guitar amp" stands as correct.
** So says a stupid, desperate, psychotic, net stalking, libel spewing, ex
Telstra puke + a bloody arse bandit !!!


Are you man enough to repeat those comments to my face coward?
** TT is insane - and you are even worse.

** Absolutely false.

Read and weep you pathetic liar -
----- Original Message -----
From: "Phil Allison" <[email protected]>
Newsgroups: aus.electronics
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2005 8:38 PM
Subject: The Rutmanica is Stuffed

** **** you right up.

................... Phil

----- Original Message -----
From: "Phil Allison" <[email protected]>
Newsgroups: aus.hi-fi
Sent: Monday, December 27, 2004 3:36 PM
Subject: Boring....

"Steve Batt"

** Then why re-post all of it ??

If you have any ideas on how to shut the Rutmanic troll up - let me know.

Illegal ones included.

............ Phil
and there are plenty more examples.......

The reverse is the true case.

** Sheer, rabid dog paranoia ........

This fat, ugly arse bandit is a complete freak.

As I said before Phil - want to repeate those comments to my face? Or are
you just scared shitless? Coward scumbag.

Phil Allison

Some totally loony arse bandit from Perth puked:

Phil Allison
The Quads ESL63s you bought from
Campsie Hi-Fi had nothing wrong with them?

** They were not "dud".

So howcome you raved all over
aus.hi-fi like a bloody lunatic that they were faulty ....

** Complete lie.

So if (as you originally claimed) one unit was low on output,

** So not a pair of "dud" ESLs .

why did you
not avail yourself of the full warranty and have the "defective" speaker
repaired under that warranty?

** Go read the story again - you brain fucked arse bandit.

Actually Phil you are correct. I got rid of it within less than 12 months
of owning it. Traded it for a much better player.

** No you did not - you are a pathetic liar.

So until Phil says otherwise one can assume TT's original comment of
guitar amp" stands as correct.

** That is just what a some pathetic, brain dead arse bandit would be
expected to do.

ex Telstra puke + a bloody arse bandit !!!

Are you man enough to repeat those comments to my face coward?

** You are not a man at all - just some pathetic, mentally defective,
desperate old gay boy.

Read and weep you pathetic liar -

( snip paranoid irrelevances)

and there are plenty more examples.......

** With no threats in them either.

As I said before Phil - want to repeate those comments to my face?

** Gee - that sounds like a threat of intent to commit violence.
Or are
you just scared shitless? Coward scumbag.

** Carrying on a campaign of malicious lies and libel from 2000 miles away
in Perth is just soooooo brave.

Never mind the fact it is a criminal offence to do so.

Never mind that you have no valid grounds for any of this.

........... Phil

Alan Rutlidge

Phil Allison said:
Some totally loony arse bandit from Perth puked:

Phil Allison

** They were not "dud".

Gee, so what else does "dud" mean other than no good, faulty, defective, not
** Complete lie.

Oh so the fact that you claimed that one speaker was 9dB lower in level than
the other does not consitute a fault? Just as well no ne here gets their
amplifiers fixed by Toaster Boy.:)
** So not a pair of "dud" ESLs .

** Go read the story again - you brain fucked arse bandit.

** No you did not - you are a pathetic liar.

You are the liar and mischief maker Phil. Where's your proof?
** That is just what a some pathetic, brain dead arse bandit would be
expected to do.

Let me guess, a kiddy kit amp from Tandy?
** You are not a man at all - just some pathetic, mentally defective,
desperate old gay boy.

As I said before Phil. Game enough to repeat any of your comments to my
face in front od witnesses. Publish your address and you will have your
chance to back up what you say Quad Boy.
( snip paranoid irrelevances)

** With no threats in them either.

Oh yeah. Pity learned individuals don't share your opinion on that matter.
You are a threatening coward of a net stalker.
** Gee - that sounds like a threat of intent to commit violence.

Never, just a means to slam dunk you arsehole.
** Carrying on a campaign of malicious lies and libel from 2000 miles away
in Perth is just soooooo brave.

I'm quite happy to repeat them to your face. I'll be more than happy to
Never mind the fact it is a criminal offence to do so.

Never mind that you have no valid grounds for any of this.

Unlike you Phil, I have nothing to hide and I am quite prepared to tell you
to your face just what I think of you. Pity you are such a coward.

Phil Allison

"Alan Rutlidge

Unlike you Phil, I have nothing to hide and I am quite prepared to tell you
to your face just what I think of you.

** What the Rutmaniac "thinks" on any subject only proves how fucked in
the head he is.

No wonder Telstra pissed him off.

.............. Phil

Alan Rutlidge

Phil Allison said:
"Alan Rutlidge

Unlike you Phil, I have nothing to hide and I am quite prepared to tell you
to your face just what I think of you.

** What the Rutmaniac "thinks" on any subject only proves how fucked in
the head he is.

No wonder Telstra pissed him off.

............. Phil

Phil has still failed once again to provide proof of his allegations.
Where's your proof I didn't get rid of my CDP-101 for an other CD player?
You don't have any do you? Time to public apologise to me Phil or present
your evidence.

Stop trying to avoid the subject. It is clear that you are a bigger coward
than most would give you credit for.

I still challenge you Philip Martin "The Coward" Allison of Prospect Road,
Summer Hill, NSW to repeat what you write about me here (from behind the
anonymous protection of your keyboard) to me directly face to face. I want
to see what a coward like you really looks like.

Bet you aren't likely to show your pig ugly face you yellow bellied coward
of a Net Stalker. You are too f%#king gutless to dare to say it to my face.
Now either put up your evidence of shut up.

Phil Allison

Some desperate, fat, ugly, Poof from Perth:
you to your face just what I think of you.

Where's your proof I didn't get rid of my CDP-101 for an other CD player?

** The pathetic dude is totally mad.

I still challenge you Philip Martin "The Coward" Allison of Prospect Road,
Summer Hill, NSW to repeat what you write about me here (from behind the
anonymous protection of your keyboard) to me directly face to face.

** The pathetic dude is totally mad.

Bet you aren't likely to show your pig ugly face you yellow bellied coward
of a Net Stalker.

** The real net stalker is one Alan Kendall Rutlidge of Ruth Street
Northbridge, WA

48 years old and sooooo pathetic.

................ Phil

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