Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Happ switch Illuminated button help

Hello, newbie here. I assure you all that I tried to google this, and I did a lot of research before asking my question. I have a few illuminated pushbuttons. I'd like them to be always off, except when pushed. Of course, I can figure out just about every other way to wire it except for this way.

Here is a generic image of my button:

The prongs on the left and right are easy enough, they are the ground and + for the LED light inside of the button. On the bottom is the switch ground, and on the top there are the NO and NC prongs for the switch. I am connecting these buttons to an iPac. The iPac supplies 5volts to the button, and I've had it set up so they are always on (but dim) from the iPac. I can use the PC molex cable to get the 14volts to keep the LED on the button always on. I was also able to mess around with the wiring with a 9volt battery to get the button to only light when pressed, but when I replaced the battery wires with the iPac as a power supply it didn't work.

So, is there a way to wire these buttons so that they are off, but when the person presses it down it lights up? Also, if I use the 14 volt power from the PC I do not want it to fry the iPac.

Also, is this stupid of me? Should I just have them always on or on but off when pressed? I am not sure why I thought always off but lit when pushed would look best? I guess because it is the hardest wiring to figure out!

PS - I don't really know how to read wiring diagrams just yet, so please talk to me like a dipstick. EX: ipac ground to button ground, daisy chain connection to led ground. NC to ipac, NO to LED +.

First; supply the specifications from Happ Controls for the switch and LED. I'm guessing the LED has a built-in resistor for 12V but give us the spec's.

Second; what, if anything is the switch controlling; just the LED or what?

Third; what's an iPac and what connection are you making to it?

Fourth; how long do you want the LED to illuminate?
1. These buttons come with zero, I mean zero documentation. Here is all I could find:


2. The buttons are controlling a flash game via the ipac. You push in the button and the iPac sends a letter to the PC as if you just pressed a keyboard key.

3. An iPac:

Nutshell - it is mainly a mame arcade controller. You connect buttons and it sends letters to the PC.

4. I want the led to illuminate while the button is pressed. Off always, on when pushed, off when released.

I have thought about it a lot and in my mind this is the one configuration that is not possible with these buttons. It is easier to do always on, so I may just stick with that. Next is always on but off when pushed. That is more complicated but I know how to do it.

The iPac outputs 5 volts. The LED can go up to 12 volts.
You can do better on the technical specifications but it won't matter since you can't control the 12V for the LED and a 5V signal with a single pole switch simultaneously. You could exchange the switch to a double pole model but that's not an ideal solution either.