Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Hammers and guns and Jim and Michael


George Herold

This article just appeared:

...with the idea of banning 3D printing of ammunition

(Just "skip ad" when you get to the link.)

I _knew_ someone would recognize what 3D printing means to

See this youtube video for the making of such a magazine:


It all seems crazy to me. (similar to fears over nuclear energy.)
Let's say that all the legislation reduces the number of 'wacko'
killings by 50%. So there will be 20-50 fewer people per year killed
by wacko's with guns.
We'll never notice the change!

I'm much more worried about my kids being killed on the highway.

George H.
okay knuckle head, bring up the quotes. where did i say i was in favor of any ban on any weapons???
I'm not about to search this thread again for you. You don't know what
you've written? You don't read your writing? I guess I can
understand the latter.
It all seems crazy to me. (similar to fears over nuclear energy.)
Let's say that all the legislation reduces the number of 'wacko'
killings by 50%. So there will be 20-50 fewer people per year killed
by wacko's with guns.
We'll never notice the change!

Will we notice the increase in victims killed by illegal firearms or
home invasions?
I'm much more worried about my kids being killed on the highway.

Perhaps we should have background checks before licensing cars and a
limit of two cylinders. Nothing too ugly, either.
None of which would have made one whit of difference to the Sandy
shooting they claim as motivation. She had no record, no mental
history, nothing. Perfectly fine. It was the son who stole the
weapons, killed her, and went on a shooting spree.

Of course. It's nothing to do with concern for people, the goal is
disarming citizens progressively, by steps. The first step is to
document who's armed, by hook, or crook.

BGC is a pretext that does that. Commanding doctors to asks their
patients does that (it gets it into your electronic medical records,
into the Obamacare data collection system).

The demand for records and documentation is ironic. Obama willfully
lets in and refuses to check the papers of swarms of illegal alien
murderers, yet has no problem demanding citizens' registration,
papers, and documentation at every turn. [ICE deported 1,215 illegal
alien *convicted murderers* last year, after their crimes. That's
*many*-fold the tiny number lost to "scary"-looking rifles.]

The damn president won't stop lying, propagandizing, calculatedly
appealing to emotion--that prevents an honest, meaningful, realistic
discussion. Yesterday he spooled out a reel of incredible statistical
whoppers, completely and willfully misrepresenting every aspect of the
problem, while hiding behind children. (E.g., he claimed 1.4 million
transactions flagged by BGC as prevented transfers to "the wrong
people," not mentioning that the vast, vast majority of those flagged
are ultimately allowed to proceed after further checks.)

How can we the nation talk about things when he constantly spews
untruths, strawmen, and diversions?

The long-term solution to the much wider problem of crime is *jobs*,
allowing people to lift themselves out of poverty, ensuring a clear
path up, clearing obstacles. Not handouts. Hope, but real hope. Not

James Arthur
I'm not about to search this thread again for you. You don't know what

you've written? You don't read your writing? I guess I can

understand the latter.

You lying old "koot" --- the reality is that you've searched and searched but can't find a damn thing I said to support an "arms" ban.

So much for your credibility. Just "man-up" and admit you were wrong.

Answer one question with a "yes" or "no":

Is the legislation in NY a step toward tyranny?
It all seems crazy to me. (similar to fears over nuclear energy.)
Let's say that all the legislation reduces the number of 'wacko'
killings by 50%. So there will be 20-50 fewer people per year killed
by wacko's with guns.
We'll never notice the change!

I'm much more worried about my kids being killed on the highway.

George H.

That's very well-stated. Not only is the total number of _people_
lost to rifles very small, the number lost to "scary-looking" supposed
assault rifles[*] is a small fraction of that, and the fraction that
are children is even less. We're fixing nothing.

We lose far more kids to swimming pools, plastic bags, teen drivers--
even babysitters.[**]

* (which is what they mean by "assault," since those particular rifles
are no different in functionality or design than non-"assault", only
in styling)

** (I read in the FBI stats posted earlier that 39 kids died that year
at the hand of their babysitters. That's way more than the average by
"assault" rifles.)

I'm totally comfortable with my fellow citizens owning firearms. Good
people are no danger, and even criminals don't shoot for no reason.
If they use a gun (or a car) as part of a crime, the problem is the
criminal behavior to start with, not the implements.

Of course we want people to be safe. Rendering good people
defenseless at every turn doesn't help that a whit. And, around here
anyway, it'll prevent lots of lives currently saved.
You lying old "koot" --- the reality is that you've searched and searched but can't find a damn thing I said to support an "arms" ban.

Idiot can't even spell. No, I have no interest in showing you what
you said. If you can't remember what you said, you can look it up.
Senility has its price.
So much for your credibility. Just "man-up" and admit you were wrong.

So much for your credibility. Man up and say you lied.
Answer one question with a "yes" or "no":

Is the legislation in NY a step toward tyranny?

Certainly. My opinion has nothing to do with whether or not you lied.
Diversion noted.
I really don't deserve that. I have merely lucked out and am
enjoying the results of getting involved with 3D printers.
I'm learning, is all. Most of the path had already been
bushwhacked down by a lot of really good folks before me.

I think you do deserve it--freedom is preserved by thousands of tiny
acts every day.

I'm quite aware of the 3-D printer craze and was keenly following it
(Fab-at-home, reprap, MakerBot). I've got notebooks full of
improvements and experiments. It looks like great fun, I just haven't
gotten to building yet.
It only takes rather low technology items (nothing in what I
have is expensive or difficult to come by) to make a 3D
printer. What's interesting to me is just many different uses
I've already discovered that have made a difference -- and
I'm only just starting.

I mostly use the 3D printer for other things -- not ammo
magazines. You know, project boxes and the like. Two days
ago, our microwave's door opener broke. Turns out they use
two plastic standoffs molded as a single unit as part of a
faceplate. The standoffs have holes in them for another
plastic part that sits between them and "flips" the latch
when pressed. Since only one side actually presses against
the latching mechanism of the door itself, that is the side
put under regular tension and it eventually breaks. The other
side, built just as well (or just as poorly) isn't under the
same stress.. so it survives easily. They should have beefed
up the stressed side differenly. Dumb, but there it is. So it
broke. I used the 3D printer to print out a special piece I
used to rebuild and reinforce that side and repaired the oven
using that and CA glue, rather than go buy another oven.

I also used it to repair a broken electric window of a car.
The unit uses an ABS plastic gear of sorts (not sure of the
right technical term) around which a string of contained ABS
beads are driven. A wire through those beeds was also broken.
Replacement is offered only by buying the entire unit at $200
each, after waiting some time because it's not a common item.

Cost me about $2 in parts (aluminum crimps and some new
braided wire at $1 each) and the rest was made in the 3D
printer. Total repair cost is probably about $3-4.

Of course, there are the shockingly good ammo magazines you
can also make. Takes about two hours to print something for
15 rounds. And I just sit by and watch, mostly. They work
right out of the printer, though it helps to do just a tiny
amount of clean up afterwards.

I'm increasingly surprised by just how many different uses I
can find, though. Once you have the tool around, you realize
how easy it is to fashion some unique part that when added to
other common parts makes a result that does unusual things.
It's opened up my imagination more and very much enhanced my
life, already. And if the part doesn't do exactly what I
wanted, I just sit down, edit a little, and reprint and try.
Very easy to get something really nice.

Cool stuff!
I'm designing a custom controller for a 240VAC kitchen stove
(30A). I am still exploring the sensor details, but right now
am experimenting with a 40kHz distance sensor (under $2
shipped from China) and a keypad. Purpose is to make certain
that it takes a code to enable the stove for use and that if
the person using it walks away from the immediate vacinity,
the stove automatically shuts off. (My daughter is autistic
and we cannot trust her around it alone.) I've been having
lots of fun designing pieces for it. The circuit boards
literally snap into the ABS fixtures and I've designed fun
locking mechanisms that work beautifully. I needed holes in
different places -- no need for special tools... just include
the holes into the design. Hole for micro USB connector?
Easy. Holes for 40kHz emitter and receiver? Easy. Holes for
DF13 connectors? Easy and perfect fit! Etc.

This sort of stuff is sooo much more fun and productive than fighting
the president over nonsense--that's part of my frustration
politically. I wish they'd just finally let us alone so we could do
cool stuff, not constantly distracted and worrying about their
Certainly. My opinion has nothing to do with whether or not you lied.

Diversion noted.

Okay, change the discussion, make any assumption you want re what i said, (anybody that can read can decide for themselves).

now answer the following question:

in your opinion, is the legislation in NY a step toward tyranny?

just a yes or no?

(i'm betting you'll give me some stupid excuse for not answering)


Obviously you love the word "idiot".

I'm PROUD to be on the side of progress.

You're just closer to the apes than I am -- that's the simple truth. Some of us have evolved more than others.

The NRA is right -- let's just get rid of the secret service entirely -- a President's children aren't entitled to armed protection. I mean really, how unnecessary.

They're no more a target than John Doe Jr, right?

Nor is Maria Carey (or John Lennon)?

They're no more a target than the rest of us folks by golly.

IDIOTS isn't the word for you people. You're beyond description.
Okay, change the discussion, make any assumption you want re what i said, (anybody that can read can decide for themselves).

now answer the following question:

in your opinion, is the legislation in NY a step toward tyranny?

just a yes or no?

Asked and answered, you illiterate moron!
(i'm betting you'll give me some stupid excuse for not answering)

Obviously you love the word "idiot".

It's quite descriptive of many here, including all lefties.
I'm PROUD to be on the side of progress.

Nonsense. "Progressives" aren't anything of the kind.
You're just closer to the apes than I am -- that's the simple truth. Some of us have evolved more than others.

The NRA is right -- let's just get rid of the secret service entirely -- a President's children aren't entitled to armed protection. I mean really, how unnecessary.

You're only proving, further, that you indeed *are* an idiot.
They're no more a target than John Doe Jr, right?

Nor is Maria Carey (or John Lennon)?

They're no more a target than the rest of us folks by golly.

IDIOTS isn't the word for you people. You're beyond description.

No, idiot, you've only proved my point. Jeez, some people just don't
know when to shut up and be thought a fool.
It's quite descriptive of many here, including all lefties.

Nonsense. "Progressives" aren't anything of the kind.

You're only proving, further, that you indeed *are* an idiot.

No, idiot, you've only proved my point. Jeez, some people just don't

know when to shut up and be thought a fool.

"k-man" you're just one "dumb son of bitch"!

nothing a 44 mag to the right temporal region wouldn't fix, but then again it'd be a waste of a round!

"k-man" you're just one "dumb son of bitch"!

Coming from someone who is clearly an illiterate leftist ass, that's
some compliment.
nothing a 44 mag to the right temporal region wouldn't fix, but then again it'd be a waste of a round!


Nice threat. Lefties do want to use force on those they don't agree
with. Other than the leftist part, you sound just like DimBulb. What
a friggin' moron. Thanks for demonstrating your true colors for
everyone to see.
Obviously you love the word "idiot".

I'm PROUD to be on the side of progress.

Rendering people defenseless, hence more susceptible to your will--for
nothing, protecting no one, from simple mean-spiritedness--isn't
progress. It's retrograde, back to what was centuries before, before
people were free.

James Arthur
Coming from someone who is clearly an illiterate leftist ass, that's

some compliment.

Nice threat. Lefties do want to use force on those they don't agree

with. Other than the leftist part, you sound just like DimBulb. What

a friggin' moron. Thanks for demonstrating your true colors for

everyone to see.

You really need to take a reading comprehension class.

It’s not a threat, dumbass; It is a comment on your value!


not even a response -- I suppose the evolution thing threw you -- I'm sure your offended by it and your love for your grandma and grandpa, adam and eve.

again with the idiot.

you're very creative.

and -- ever hear the word factious? (secret service)? obviously NOT (hilarious)

I'm over your head asswipe.
On Thu, 17 Jan 2013 12:28:50 -0800 (PST), [email protected] wrote:

Hey k-man,

You keep throwing this term “leftist” around, wtf is that?

What’s your definition?

I assume there’s a “rightist” def that goes along with that?

Throw that definition up here while you’re at it.

It’s a shame you won’t share your “thoughts of wisdom” on the NY legislation.

I'm sure you're a man of deep "conviction"!

Ahaha ----
It's more economic in text characters to white-list good guys using
gmail rather than kill-filing the losers >:-}

That's what I do...

Retrieve: A, B, C, D...

Delete: @gmail

I don't filter anyone. I can't always read and respond to everything,
but I'm actually quite interested in what people have to say.

It mystifies me that MKR thinks that reversing the gains of liberty
with a big anti-constitutional floor show--going after good citizens'
rights, to accomplish nothing--is progress of any sort, much less
worthy of national attention.

Who thinks it's more important than the many other pressing problems
we face? Almost no one. The polls reflect that, too.

James Arthur
Coming from someone who is clearly an illiterate leftist ass, that's

some compliment.

Nice threat. Lefties do want to use force on those they don't agree

with. Other than the leftist part, you sound just like DimBulb. What

a friggin' moron. Thanks for demonstrating your true colors for

everyone to see.

You really need to take a reading comprehension class.

It’s not a threat, dumbass; It is a comment on your value!

Try that with the President's name in there. What a stupid prick!