Maker Pro
Maker Pro

hall efect switch

i wish to use a hall efect switch as an input to a plc
the input voltage to the plc is 24v dc
to use such a device will need a switching transisor circuit
can anyone advise me
I can obtain Honywell devices from RS



i wish to use a hall efect switch as an input to a plc
the input voltage to the plc is 24v dc
to use such a device will need a switching transisor circuit
can anyone advise me
I can obtain Honywell devices from RS

to make it simple, i would use an opto-isolator.
connect the Collector to the 24 vDC> the emitter
to the input of the PLC.
on the other size, just apply a little current
through the diode via a resistor (aprox 470 Ohms)in
series from the HallEffect , i am sure the Hall can
drive the LED inside enough..
look there for that Opto and the PDF file.