Maker Pro
Maker Pro



Robert Macy

Hi all
I hope I in the proper forum .

I want to build a similar preamp like this one :

Can you offer a relevant similar schematic as such ?


You will find out that for really hard strums a single 9Vdc battery
supply is NOT enough! Either use two, or add a DC-DC converter stage.

With the preamp right at the guitar, you'll miss the 'peaky'
resonances some guitar players like. But, you could probably add a
switch in cap to duplicate the ong run cable capacitance

From designing guitar preamps around 30 years ago, TI makes a great
preamp chip very linear, 3-4nV/rtHz input noise and can run off +/-
9Vdc batteries. They probably make much better chips now. Don't be
misled in your search just because an amp can go rail to rail doesn't
mean that it's working very well when it does that. I've usually had
to stay over 2.7+ V away from each rail to keep distortion below 1%.

Inspection of your link shows an EXTREMELY simple amp, you could
pretty much copy it if you wanted to.

George Herold

"Months of development and testing" ? Looks like one opamp maybe.

Sure but opamps are amazing these days.
That might make them not so good for guitar amps though;
is clipping a good or bad thing?

George H.

Phil Allison

"Robert Macy"

You will find out that for really hard strums a single 9Vdc battery
supply is NOT enough!

** What utter bollocks !!

Pre-amps with 9V supplies are used in a great many guitars and are 100%

This sort of alarmist bullshit is NOT welcome here - pal.

..... Phil
Hi all
I hope I in the proper forum .

I want to build a similar preamp like this one :

Can you offer a relevant similar schematic as such ?


Look at Ebay item number 300852388218 There is not a lot
of information at the web page you listed. My thought is that it is
priced way higher than the cost of manufacturing and they do not want
you to be able to check the specs against other preamps.


Phil Allison

Robert Macy wrote:

You will find out that for really hard strums a single 9Vdc battery
supply is NOT enough!

Enough for what? What are you running this guitar cord into? Pretty much
anything you plug an electric guitar into will clip before your 9V-powered
buffer does. Note the classic Fender input stage clips at +- 2 or 3 V, and
nobody would say that a Fender Twin isn't a 'clean' amp.

** A tube Fender begins to clip at +/- 1.5 volts the input.

Anyhow, the buffer in question is intended to go AFTER the instrument's tone
and volume pots, so there will never be any overload in practice.

..... Phil
<[email protected]>

Look at Ebay item number   300852388218

** Why?

It is a completely different thing.

... Phil

I am not a guitar player, so I missed the word acoustic. I thought
the Ebay item was a guitar preamp plus a 5 band equalizer

But the original poster ought to look at Ebay to find either pcb
boards or assembled preamps.


Phil Allison

<[email protected]>

Look at Ebay item number 300852388218

** Why?

It is a completely different thing.

I am not a guitar player, so I missed the word acoustic. I thought
the Ebay item was a guitar preamp plus a 5 band equalizer

** The Ebay item is a conversion kit for an acoustic guitar to make it
"electric ".

The various boxes go INSIDE the guitar - so you need plenty of room.

The OPs little unit is fitted into a solid body guitar by carving a cavity
in the back - if the ones already there are not big enough.

But the original poster ought to look at Ebay to find either pcb
boards or assembled preamps.

** It's bad manners to tell someone to go look in some place - when YOU have
not bothered to do so.

.... Phil
** It's bad manners to tell someone to go look in some place - when YOU have
not bothered to do so.

...   Phil

I agree. I did look but found so many possible candidates that I
though the OP ought to look. I might suggest a preamp that is too big
or miss some other unstated requirement.



Hi all
I hope I in the proper forum .

I want to build a similar preamp like this one :

Can you offer a relevant similar schematic as such ?


The little bit I looked at tells me there is a high frequency loss
when cabling is added between guitar and amp, also a tonal change when
adjusting the volume from bigh to low on the guitar. So adding the
preamp can decrease these affects, but the preamp must be put in the
proper position in the chain depending on what you want to achieve.

I found a pdf manuual for the CB-2, but no schematic and as you see
they scratch out the IC number.
$125 is way more than the cost to produce and market this device.

Here is a different preamp. Cost is a little better at $47. $49
If it were my money, I'd try this one.

Here's a Velleman guitar preamp kit, $29.

If you really feel the burn to build a preamp, here are a few circuits.

A bunch of kits here.

Some education.



"Months of development and testing" ? Looks like one opamp maybe.

Hey, there is a lot of effort in doing blindered, dumb and drunk testing.



Sure but opamps are amazing these days.
That might make them not so good for guitar amps though;
is clipping a good or bad thing?

George H.
It pretends.