Maker Pro
Maker Pro

GSM send/recieve unit

I am currently interested in creating a car alarm that can send/
recieve SMS. I know it has been done to death but I am going to
integrate it with a cheap GPS reciever and Google maps to provide a
cheap (as cheap as the network provider) on demand tracking service.

Basically I have found a cheap GPS reciever but I havent found a unit
that might be able to do the GSM stuff. I would be controlling it with
a cheap microcontroller so hopefully it could handle itself pretty

Anyway thanks for any advice, and sorry if I am too vague, basically a
link or two to places that might sell such things would be a great

Anthony Fremont

Sparkfun has some nice products. You might have better luck getting
responses if you post into sci.electronics.basics and They tend to have more activity. Also
comp.arch.embedded is a good newsgroup for microcontroller based projects.

Thanks anthony!