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Maker Pro

GSM/GPRS connection from a balloon


Phil Allison

"Clifford Heath"
Actually David, Phil is quite right, but ambiguous.

** Not to anyone who can read English an follow a context.

All of the time, *some* phone will be operating at full power.
Just not *all* phones, *all* the time.

** What I wrote said there are lotsa mobiles phones, all over the country,
running at max power, at any time of day.

Range to the tower has NOTHING to do with it.

Signal attenuation in the pathway to one has.

The phones all get along just fine.

........ Phil


Chris said:
Please do tell! How do they REALLY work?

Come on Phil, tell us what you learnt before you got kicked out of
I never speculated about the motivations of the FCC, as I agree that it is
not relevant in Australia. I simply mentioned that the network operators
could have reason to be upset with this sort of thing, and that it would
probably be illegal also. If you can show that it is not illegal then I
will have learnt something, but so far I remain suspicions that it may be
illegal, and so if the OP did intend to do this experiment then he might be
well advised to make sure that he does not get into trouble over it.

Check with the ACMA. The class license for the operation of cellular
phones, modems or other devices does not authorize the operation in an
airbourne aircraft. What the OP wants to do is *illegal* in Australia
(and USA).


Phil Allison


Check with the ACMA. The class license for the operation of cellular
phones, modems or other devices does not authorize the operation in an
airbourne aircraft. What the OP wants to do is *illegal* in Australia (and

** What a load of IRRELEVANT BOLLOCKS !!!!!!!!

The regulation is absurd and unenforceable - thousands of folk in the USA
ignore it every single day as do hundreds of Australians. Only the fact
that major airlines enforce it on board scheduled flights gives it any

In my first post to the OP, I pointed out HIS idea was pointless and /or
illegal under the aviation regulations in relation to balloons.

See part 101.

Launching a sizeable balloon is a highly visible activity - only one
person seeing it has to report the OP in to CASA or the police to get him in
serious trouble.

....... Phil


Phil said:

** What a load of IRRELEVANT BOLLOCKS !!!!!!!!

The regulation is absurd and unenforceable - thousands of folk in
the USA ignore it every single day as do hundreds of Australians.
Only the fact that major airlines enforce it on board scheduled
flights gives it any reality.

Just because people do something which is illegal every day does not
make it safe, legal or absurd.
In my first post to the OP, I pointed out HIS idea was pointless and
/or illegal under the aviation regulations in relation to balloons.

See part 101.

Launching a sizeable balloon is a highly visible activity - only
one person seeing it has to report the OP in to CASA or the police to
get him in serious trouble.

Pity that was not a question he asked. It is not illegal if the OP has
approval from CASA, as explained in the link you provided above. You
know nothing about the balloon and it background. The OP was asking
sensible questions about telemetry, not about ballooning.

What the OP *DID* ask was:
- Is there a legal altitude limit for GSM/GPRS operation?

For which the answer is yes, it must not be used whilst airbourne, as
per the ACMA regulations for cellular phones. Plain and simple.


Phil Allison


Pity that was not a question he asked.

** What a fucking fuckwit ASSHOLE you are !!!!

Posters don't know what they need to know or ask about.

It is not illegal if the OP has
approval from CASA,

** As stated in my post to the OP.

But getting that approval is another matter entirely.

You know nothing about the balloon and it background. The OP was asking
sensible questions about telemetry, not about ballooning.

** What a fucking fuckwit ASSHOLE you are !!!!

Posters don't know what they need to know or ask about.

What the OP *DID* ask was:

For which the answer is yes, it must not be used whilst airbourne,

** Bollocks.

A tethered balloon at 300 feet is not "airborne".

A free balloon requires hard to get approval from CASA.


You are a nothing but a vile, posturing ASD fucked moron - David.

Idiots like you are a pox on the face of the earth.

....... Phil