Maker Pro
Maker Pro

GSM backup weak, APX/Honeywell system II




I just posted a message earlier, with the same title, except for the
"II" that I deleted via Google, but I know all newsreader clients
won't delete it, so to bring up to date about the original posting if
you still can see it, I finally got hold of someone at APX where they
walked me thru various steps to home remedy the situation by actually
powering down the system, etc. Still no/low GSM signal, and they said
they will come out no charge now after I again explained I only had
the GSM backup a few months. This tech agreed that the installer
probably didn't do a check before leaving to make sure it was sending
out a reliable signal, so this one's "on the house". Too bad it took
several calls with a lot of rigmarole and two more calls today before
I reached a tech that really helped out. If I would have known it
would work out like this, I wouldn't have posted in the first place,
but isn't that the way it usually works?