Maker Pro
Maker Pro

GPS map vs charts


David Ditch

Is a GPS map like the Garmin 176C a good alternative to carrying NOAA maps?
I live in the Chesapeake and would like to not have to carry large maps
around with me.

Worth the expense if I have the money?


Peter Bennett

Is a GPS map like the Garmin 176C a good alternative to carrying NOAA maps?
I live in the Chesapeake and would like to not have to carry large maps
around with me.

I would say No.

I use BSB-format charts on a PC, and still want to have paper charts -
you can see a lot larger area on a paper chart than you can on a
computer screen - and the computer screen is much larger than the
screen on most GPS chart plotters.

Rodney Myrvaagnes

2 - You can't draw on a C-Map plug the location of that new sandbar
you found 500 milliseconds after the keel did. I suppose you could
put a few waypoints around it, though.....

You can do that without a C-Map chart. On an ordinary Garmin you can
move the cursor to the cusp on the dotted trail line and make that a
waypoint ("BAD1, BAD2, etc."). Then you don't go there again. DAMHIKT.

Rodney Myrvaagnes Opionated old geezer

Faith-based economics: It's deja voodoo all over again

Bill Andersen

I guess it's my training, but I'd be lost without a paper chart. I love my
electronic toys and even in San Diego Bay we practice using radar and often
have a GPS connected to it for a second display of position and waypoints.
But I always have my now worn and beat up chart folded to the right section
for quick verification of location, depth, distance etc.