Maker Pro
Maker Pro

GPS group? or is there one which does this?


des bromilow


I'm hoping to find a GPS unit which has the option of displaying the target
destination, and the current location in an overview screen
"Where you want to be is 3km north of here" with an overhead map.

For emergency response, it's sometimes better to go directly to the scene,
than go to the station, and then go back.

is there a model of GPS unit which offers what I'm hunting for?

is there a group for GPS enthusiasts who'd know the features of the current


Adrian Jansen


I'm hoping to find a GPS unit which has the option of displaying the
target destination, and the current location in an overview screen
"Where you want to be is 3km north of here" with an overhead map.

For emergency response, it's sometimes better to go directly to the
scene, than go to the station, and then go back.
is there a model of GPS unit which offers what I'm hunting for?

is there a group for GPS enthusiasts who'd know the features of the
current offerings?

Used to be newsgroup sci.geo-satellite, but the last time I looked, it
was pretty noisy.

There is lots of good info on

but it takes a bit of digging. Members are usually good at answering
questions on current commercial products.

In fact many of the current GPS mapping units will allow you to pan
around anywhere you like on the map, to show areas near the target,
rather than just where you are now. Certainly my Garmin 255 will do that.