Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Gemini P3200, Locked myself out


Craig K.

I have a Napco Gemini P3200 that I installed myself a few years ago. I
recently decided to add another keypad. I assigned one keypad as 1 and the
other as 2. I figured out that I also needed to tell the system that I have
two keypads installed for it to recognize the second keypad.

I guess that I knew just enough about programming that I did something that
I should not have. Instead of telling the system that I have two keypads in
area 1, I think that what I did was assign keypad 1 to area 2. Area 2 does
not exist in my system. Now I can not access ANYTHING from EITHER keypad.
They are both "Out of System". Keypad 2 has not been defined in the system
yet, and now my programming keypad, keypad 1, is set up for an area that
does not exist!

I recently purchased the Namco Quickloader software thinking that that would
be the way to solve my problem. It won't connect to the panel. I don't
know if it is something with my modem and connection set-up, or if the panel
is not connecting because it is messed up. I am using one phone line in my
house to try to dial into the alarm phone line.

I really don't want to have to clear out the whole panel and start again.
Besides, I don't even know if there is a way to do a hard reset on this
thing even if I wanted to.

Any thoughts? Would a direct connection work? I don't have that hardware
piece to connect my laptop to the board.

Any help is appreciated.

fly in the ointment

Craig K. wrote
I have a Napco Gemini P3200 that I installed myself a few years ago. I
recently decided to add another keypad. I assigned one keypad as 1 and the
other as 2. I figured out that I also needed to tell the system that I have
two keypads installed for it to recognize the second keypad.

I guess that I knew just enough about programming that I did something that
I should not have.

Bass will be along directly, after all, it's not rocket science.