Maker Pro
Maker Pro





Many GEET conversion people claim 3 to 4 times superior the current fuel
reduction. If this is so, then matters are different all around in energy.

There are 1000s all over the world using GEET. There must be something in
it as the reports all over show "great" improvements in fuel consumption for
such a simple device. They can't all be telling lies.

It is just pre-heating the air-gas mix by the exhaust and running the mix
through liquid, mainly a mix of water. It can be done as a DIY job.

Use GEET on the new Chevy Volt hybrid and maybe the batteries never need
plug-in charging as it may be more expensive to charge from the grid.

It obviously needs looking into. Lots of stuff on Youtube, search on "GEET",
from Holland, NZ, Auss, and the USA. On the surface it doesn't look like
snake oil as no one is selling a product. The instructions are on the web
free. There is a Yahoo group on it for those building one.

GEET Holland demo on a genny

GEET Auss, NZ diesel truck demo.

A university in Ecuador got a 26% improvement in fuel economy, using the
Free Internet Plans. I'm sure they can do better.

It says:

"4th year student project of Electromechanical Engineering, National
University of Loja in Ecuador Teacher Tutor: Mr. Leonel Francisco Loaiza
Aleaga. The design we follow according to that proposed by Paul Pantone."


Google plasma, plasmatron (MIT), steam reformation of carbon, and
while you're at it, the definition of "Help", which last time I
checked was something that was offered, not demanded from people.

It seems to me, that you would want to know about the technologies you
advocate before you promote it to others to have them spend their time
and money on it. Paul Pantone, the inventor of GEET spent years in
jail for his GEET claims, his patent claims are far different than his
sales claims.

MIT concluded that there was no increased fuel efficiency, but had
potential for cleaner emissions.

"Many GEET conversion people claim 3 to 4 times fuel reduction."
Polly want a cracker?



It seems to me, that you would want to know about the technologies you
advocate before you promote it to others to have them spend their time
and money on it.

No. This is a discussion forum. Many here talk about such technologies and
its effectiveness - usually in a sceptical way.. It was strange that no one
Paul Pantone, the inventor of GEET spent years in
jail for his GEET claims,

He never. He was sent to a mental institution. Wrongly, many claim.
Irrespective, of the inventor, many around the world claim success using
this simple method. If only one man, or oganisation, was claiming success, I
would think "snake oil". But when many all over the world claim it I start
to look.
his patent claims are far different than his
sales claims.

MIT concluded that there was no increased fuel efficiency, but had
potential for cleaner emissions.

"Many GEET conversion people claim 3 to 4 times fuel reduction."
Polly want a cracker?

Read the links. You say no. They say yes.


No. This is a discussion forum. Many here talk about such technologies and
its effectiveness - usually in a sceptical way.. It was strange that no one
There's a difference between advoction and discussion, and before you
encourage people to spend THEIR time and money on some scheme YOU
think will work, maybe you should spend your time and money to prove
the claims you're advocating to others.
He never. He was sent to a mental institution. Wrongly, many claim.
Irrespective, of the inventor, many around the world claim success using
this simple method. If only one man, or oganisation, was claiming success, I
would think "snake oil". But when many all over the world claim it I start
to look.

Read the links. You say no. They say yes.
Read the unrepeatable and unsubstantiated claims; right after I finish
Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster.

This isn't a case of one guy saying this 3 to 4 times fuel reduction
claim is nonsense and a whole bunch of people saying it's true, all
anyone has to do is ask themselves the question "why are there high
energy prices and concerns when a 3 to 4 times fuel reduction solution
can be downloaded from the internet for free".

Nonsense on parade.


There's a difference between advoction and discussion, and before you
encourage people to spend THEIR time and money on some scheme YOU
think will work, maybe you should spend your time and money to prove
the claims you're advocating to others.

Once again I don't think anything will work. The topic is open to
discussion. You haven't read any links or looked at Youtube. And ware
wasting time.

Have you a link?
This isn't a case of one guy saying this 3 to 4 times fuel reduction

This is a case of many people around the world saying it works. The plans
are on the Internet. There is a Yahoo group that helps people along in doing


MIT concluded that there was no increased fuel efficiency, but had
potential for cleaner emissions.

Is this the MIT you are on about?

"In the following example, a French resident applied a modification based on
the GEET technology to his car. This French news report conducted a dyno and
emission test on the car. Their findings showed that the CO2 levels with the
GEET technology were as low as 0.1%,with out the GEET it registered 8.6%.
Other Nox and hydrocarbon reductions were as significant!. Plus the car
gained up to 20% better fuel economy (more is possible)."

Are they all telling lies?


I thought the likes of Steve Spence would have commented on GEET.

I rediscovered the secret of Kammler's Bell and am too busy
synthesizing red mercury to bother with this.

Are you working with MIT? They are onto GEET as well.


Curbie said:
For the last time.

There's a difference between advoction and discussion, YOU'RE
parroting and defending these unrepeatable and unsubstantiated claims
with zero experience or proof.

MIT are working on it,. I gave the link. Did you look?
This really isn't that complicated, download the free plans, slap it
together, get the 3 to 4 times fuel reduction you're claiming, and
become an instant millionaire along with credit for helping to ease
energy problems. Simple, should only take a few weeks.

How can anyone be an instant millionaire when the technology and plans are
With a technology that's been around for more than a decade, 8 billon+
people on earth, and the energy and economic situation as bleak as it
is, seems like someone, somewhere, would have been able to repeat this
3 to 4 times fuel reduction claim and the results would be on every
ICE in the world by now.

Repeating it appears not a problem - look at the links and MIT. There are
documented accounts all over the world: USA, Canada, Holland, France, Auss,
NZ, etc.

As to it being on an ICE, well as that useless lump wastes approx 80% of the
energy in the tank, I would not trust the makers of these lumps to advance
anything (except their bank accounts), as they done very little over 110
There is a difference between joining a parade of fools and trying to
start one of your own.

Which parade did you join?


I had applied that line of reasoning myself, and discovered
(regretfully) that it doesn't hold up. People _don't_ always decide to
avail themselves of cost-saving technologies.

If I may respectfully expand on the differences between your solar
panels, your claims, and you AND GEET, this fool's GEET claims, and

Anyone can run the solar math to see that your panels are a viable
Few people seem to understand steam reformation of carbon to produce
hydrogen needed to see why this GEET idea won't produce the 3 to 4
times fuel reduction claimed.

I have not seen any unrepeatable claims for your panels.
GEET 3 to 4 times fuel reduction claims are analogous to the "secret
100mpg carburetor kept from the public by the big car companies" myth,
widely held by fools in the 70's. When my reasoning is applied there,
someone would have to believe GM would rather go bankrupt, than put
that secret on their cars and dominate the market OR small engine
makers would rather go bankrupt than apply GEET and dominate their

You roll your sleeves-up and spent your own time and money to test
ideas and I've never seen you post an unhelpful or a bullshit post.
This fool is not rolling-up his sleeves or spending his time or money,
he's parroting unrepeatable claims that will have the effect of
wasting other peoples time and money and as far as unhelpful and
bullshit posts go, you did read his posts in this thread,
unsubstantiated claims proven by unsubstantiated claims.

For you and anyone else that's reading this thread that doesn't know
what GEET is and why it won't produce the 3 to 4 times fuel reduction
claimed, here's a very, very, over-simplified overview (I spent more
time studying this than care to admit).

Steam reformation of carbon to produce hydrogen:
There are at least two distinct ways to run this process:
1) C + H2O = CO + H2 (both flammable gasses)
2) C + 2H2O = CO2 + 2H2 (one flammable gas, one not)
The higher the temperature (starting at 675C) the closer the reaction
runs to the first process.

The GEET process basically has a tube within a tube, the outer tube
vents the exhaust around the inner intake tube providing the heat for
the reaction, the engine is started with its normal fuel and run until
reaction temperature is achieved, then switched over to a "bubbler"
fuel tank which has a hydrocarbon fuel floating on water. The intake
air is drawn through the "bubbler" fuel tank where it picks both
hydrocarbons and water for the reaction.

Why GEET won't produce the 3 to 4 times fuel reduction claimed is
pretty simple, ICE's basically and ROUGHLY use 1/3 of it's fuel's heat
energy to produce motion, another 1/3 is lost to fiction as engine
heat, and the last 1/3 is vented through the exhaust and the "bubbler"
water not only provides the steam for the reformation reaction (which
GEET needs), but also cools the reaction temperature (which will kill
the reaction if cooled too much). Basically, the more water you bubble
(in a given time) for flammable gasses, the less heat there is to run
the reaction.

GEET can be used for cleaner emissions or to run heaver hydrocarbon
fuels so it's not a total scam, but you can achieve the same 3 to 4
times fuel reduction claims by restricting you engine's fuel by 3 to 4
times and putting along for a lot less time and money. Looking at
power to fuel consumption these 3 to 4 times fuel reduction claims are
nonsense and promoting false claims is both malicious and moronic.

This moron is not only trying to start his own parade of fools, but is
campaigning for "Grand Marshal", he's got my vote.



Curbie said:

If I may respectfully expand on the differences between your solar
panels, your claims, and you AND GEET, this fool's GEET claims, and

You are fucking idiot!

I noted this fool missed out MIT. Maybe they are liars as well with their
reproducible method, which is basically GEET.

< snip babbling drivel >

This dumbo clearly has not used GEET. Neither have I but I do not imply
others are fools all around the world.

He probably works for a car or oil company.


MIT concluded that there was no increased fuel efficiency, but had
potential for cleaner emissions.

MIT did not!! They clearly stated an improvement in fuel consumption.

Bob F

News said:
You are fucking idiot!

I noted this fool missed out MIT. Maybe they are liars as well with
their reproducible method, which is basically GEET.

< snip babbling drivel >

This dumbo clearly has not used GEET. Neither have I but I do not
imply others are fools all around the world.

He probably works for a car or oil company.

Either that, or he can actually think.


You are fucking idiot!

I noted this fool missed out MIT. Maybe they are liars as well with
their reproducible method, which is basically GEET.

The MIT article is *NOT* 'basically GEET' go back and read both the MIT
article and the Pantone patent. About the only thing they have in
common is that they 'treat' the fuel in some way before entering the
engine. Heck, an ordinary fuel filter does that.

MIT's device, the plasmatron, uses high energy plasma to break down
complex hydrocarbons into simpler ones for improved burning.

The patent filed by Pantone does not use plasma nor does it claim to
breakdown hydrocarbons. It only claims to vaporize incoming fuel with
engine exhaust and then pass it through a 'reaction chamber' (also
referred to in his patent as a 'thermal preheater').

The only 'claim' that he makes in his patent is that his device allows
one to run an engine on 'alternate fuels' that would otherwise be
unsuitable for use in the engine.

No claims of increased efficiency, nor claims of reduced exhaust emissions.

Pantone repeatedly refers to his 'reaction tube' in the exhaust system
but was very careful not to mention any sort of reaction or any change
in engine performance other than being able to run on the 'alternate fuel'.

As far as all the shills around the world swearing they get '3 to 4
times fuel reduction', I'd bet there are twice as many folks that have
tried it and came up empty. Most Saturday-afternoon mechanics lack the
tools to effectively make such claims.

For heavens sake, think about it for a moment. If the engine was
getting 28% efficiency originally and someone claims to use 1/3 the fuel
with this device installed, that would be increasing the engine
efficiency to 84%. That is just so 'incredible' that such a device
could break so many century old laws of thermodynamics as to be totally

[If 10 gallon of gas in a regular engine produced 2.8 units of work
(efficiency 2.8/10 = 28%), and a GEET engine produced the same 2.8 units
of work with only 3.33 gallons, it's efficiency is simply 2.8/3.33 = 84%.]

MIT's device is real science, based on known laws and doesn't require
century old physics to be overturned. GEET on the other hand is either
just a fuel preheater (if you read the patent), or so incredible as to
be ludicrous.



MIT did not!! They clearly stated an improvement in fuel consumption.

They claimed that improvement with *MIT's* plasmatron, not the GEET device.

Maybe if you took some time to sort the two out, you wouldn't be on the
losing side of this argument.



daestrom said:
The MIT article is *NOT* 'basically GEET' go back and read both the MIT
article and the Pantone patent. About the only thing they have in common
is that they 'treat' the fuel in some way before entering the engine.
Heck, an ordinary fuel filter does that.`

A filter cleans fuel not changes it.
MIT's device, the plasmatron, uses high energy plasma to break down
complex hydrocarbons into simpler ones for improved burning.

The patent filed by Pantone does not use plasma nor does it claim to
breakdown hydrocarbons. It only claims to vaporize incoming fuel with
engine exhaust and then pass it through a 'reaction chamber' (also
referred to in his patent as a 'thermal preheater').

The only 'claim' that he makes in his patent is that his device allows one
to run an engine on 'alternate fuels' that would otherwise be unsuitable
for use in the engine.

No claims of increased efficiency, nor claims of reduced exhaust

Pantone repeatedly refers to his 'reaction tube' in the exhaust system but
was very careful not to mention any sort of reaction or any change in
engine performance other than being able to run on the 'alternate fuel'.

Pantone didn't understand fully what was going on. IFAIK, others have stated
it does pretty well the same as the MIT method.
As far as all the shills around the world swearing they get '3 to 4 times
fuel reduction',

The point is that fuel reduction was recorded all over the world. The 3-4
times is the wild limit. Many say about 20-30%.
MIT's device is real science, based on known laws and doesn't require
century old physics to be overturned. GEET on the other hand is either
just a fuel preheater (if you read the patent), or so incredible as to be

But despite the natural scepticism, GEET users are getting results. They
can't all be telling lies around the world at the same time.


But despite the natural scepticism, GEET users are getting results.
You mean, despite facts proven by scientific studies, GEET users
continue to make unsubstantiated claims like 4-3 times or 20-30%.
Despite not having a single fact, people around the world at the same
time are making unsubstantiated claims about Bigfoot and the Loch Ness
Monster, but unsubstantiated claims and facts are not close to
They can't all be telling lies around the world at the same time.
You mean, they can't all be parroting unsubstantiated claims around
the world at the same time. Why, you are.

First, you parroted the 3 to 4 times fuel reduction claim, until that
got blown out the water, now you're trying to get this 20-30% claim to
float, both without a shred of data to back-up these claims other than
you heard it through the grape vine.