Maker Pro
Maker Pro

GE Microwave dead due to short - Help

Before the short - I took the front vent cover off above the door and then hit the metal grate against the circuit board area which created the spark and short assumed it was just the fuse. What are my other options ?
Before the short - I took the front vent cover off above the door and then hit the metal grate against the circuit board area which created the spark and short assumed it was just the fuse. What are my other options ?
The fuse popped for a reason the second time.
Something on the board is damaged. You will need to get to the board and take a look to see if there are any obvious damaged components.
It would be best to get a couple of nice clear pictures as well to share to see if someone has a good idea to point you in the right direction.

Be very careful around capacitors, and unplug the unit first ;)


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Removing the door (or even a vent cover) possibly activated one of the interlocks. For safety microwave ovens generally have a series of interlocks. Opening the door often both opens the power connection as well as shorting the power connection following this switch. This requires that both interlocks are working to enable the oven.

However, Microwave ovens are such dangerous devices that we really suggest that you place it in the round filing cabinet and buy another one.