Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Gateway Laptop Capacitor

Try these 2 things

Pull your ram out and clean the contacts. Make sure they are completely seated when you reinstall them. On the bios screen find and select the default settings.
Just Sayin'

I had a similar rebooting, shutdown, weird screen problem with a Dell and it turned out that the RAM was not fully engaged in the socket. The steamy hot CPU is a different matter. That's why I mention a default bios setting.


I am going to order a new motherboard, I am assuming that's the problem. Do you think it is the motherboard or the CPU?

will be interesting to see what $$ they want for a mother board compared to a new laptop
you may be better off with a new laptop and get a decent warrenty.

Look for something a bit better quality than a Gateway. Definately wouldnt be my first choice in laptops ( or any form of their brand of puter)
after working on them for some years.

best of luck :)
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If you have a bad cap i would remove the parts that look faulty or test faulty via the bus. Get replacements and re solder. U can test caps and resistors via the bus so get a multimeter and start there.
Well, I replaced the mobo ($65). Same darned thing happened. I ordered a new processor ($12) and now it is up and running again.

Thanks for everybody's help!